Tore up my CPC Membership Card Tonight
No, I'm not kidding... I am 100% serious. After what happend this week, and after long consideration on what to do about it, I felt it was my only option. And for those of you who doubt my sincerity, here's the photo evidence...
Just moments ago, I fired off an e-mail to my EDA President, attempting to explain in detail the reasons for taking this extreme action... I will post the contents of that e-mail once I receive a reply.
Stay tuned for more details. (I can't post more until tomorrow afternoon because I'm giving the sermon at church in the morning, and won't be near a computer until afterwards)

Stay tuned for more details. (I can't post more until tomorrow afternoon because I'm giving the sermon at church in the morning, and won't be near a computer until afterwards)
Labels: CPC
At Sun Apr 01, 01:12:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
No one cares.
At Sun Apr 01, 01:15:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I guess you are going to have to remove yourself from the Blogging Tories then....
Best of luck to you and what ever new party you select, perhaps the Christian Heritage Party would be a good fit for you.
At Sun Apr 01, 01:18:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Show some maturity and reconsider your dissatisfaction with whatever it is that upsets you. The alternative may not provide any solace. Good luck.
At Sun Apr 01, 01:22:00 a.m. EDT,
Unknown said…
Think twice about your move.
Don't let anybody giving up on our party.
Stay on target and remain a Conservative party's member.
Whatever happened inside your EDA : get over it.
At Sun Apr 01, 01:31:00 a.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
I care: I'm shocked and disappointed.
I'm not an ideological conservative, but it's unfortunate when decent people that want to affect positive change leave their party.
At Sun Apr 01, 02:01:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I obviously don't know what's up. I've seen some pretty serious $%#&% from the Brass too concerning EDAs. I elected to fight: just what loser hope you won't do. Regardless, I wanted top thank you for your blogging. Been a regular and have tremendously enjoyed your various thoughts and insights, political and otherwise. Would hate to see you go. (Hang in there! For the good guys at least!)
At Sun Apr 01, 09:12:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Come on - can't you simply ignore all of your principles and worship the infallible rat pack Prime Minister?
Surely it doesn't matter that virtually everything they were supposed to stand for has been swept away in favour of crass political opportunism. How about the most free-spending Cdn gov't in history that wants to direct your behaviour with tiny tax incentives rather than meaningful broad-based tax cuts?
At Sun Apr 01, 10:03:00 a.m. EDT,
Road Hammer said…
Good on you. It's encouraging to see that some folks aren't buying this Conformatory Party nonsense and refusing to drink the Kool-Aid.
At Sun Apr 01, 10:20:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Let me ask you a question:
Would you rather act as a balance to the politics of right, or the politics of the left. There is no Andrew Prescott party of Canada, pick the one that best reflects your interests.
At Sun Apr 01, 10:36:00 a.m. EDT,
Jeff said…
i find your blog to be insightful and well-written.....
At Sun Apr 01, 12:03:00 p.m. EDT,
Spitfire said…
April Fool's???
At Sun Apr 01, 12:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Spitfire wins... it was last years expired membership card. ;-)
GOT YA! I'm still a fully paid up member of the Party... and no, I'm not a full fledged kool-aid drinker.
(of course, that doesn't mean I won't cut my current one up should the need arise)
At Sun Apr 01, 01:35:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHA! OMG good one!
At Sun Apr 01, 02:45:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
and no, I'm not a full fledged kool-aid drinker.
That must be another april fools joke. You are a kool-aid sipper, don't try to fool yourself.
At Tue Apr 03, 12:02:00 a.m. EDT,
Spitfire said…
Woohoo I WIN!!!! I can't believe it took 12 comments for someone to clue in! :D
I've won more here than on RRrrrroll up, now THAT's SAD!
At Tue Apr 03, 08:52:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Actually, "surecure" won at 3:00am, but his comment ruined the gag, so I deleted it. Reposted it under the April Fools post.
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