"Iggy's T.O. OLO"
Everyone remembers the old "Mr. Dithers" tag, right? There's a rule when it comes to framing your opponent... instead of using dozens of different tags, you pick one or two, and then repeat them until they stick. As for a recent example, there's Iggy's new nickname "Iffy"... I finally saw someone in the MSM mention that nickname in today's coverage.
So, with Ignatieff's blunder of trying to run the Quebec Liberal organization out of his own Toronto-centric OLO, we've been given a rare opportunity to do exactly what Warren would advise us to do... take a known fact, frame it correctly, and then beat them over the head with it relentlessly.
As such, here's my submission to how we correctly frame Ignatieff's leadership... Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Now here's what we do with that tag... repeat it non-stop, EVERWHERE, on every blog, in every Letter to the Editor, and on every media outlet's website comments section, until the MSM picks gets it. Even if they don't repeat it in their stories, it'll be so ingraned into the back of their minds that their coverage can't help but reflect that angle.
THAT'S how we win this media war. That's how we take advantage of this momunental blunder by Ignatieff, and make sure that every clearly gets the message that the Liberal Party of Canada is now the Liberal Party of TORONTO... and most of this country is sick of Toronto dictating to the rest of us how this country ought to be run.
UPDATE: Stephen Taylor adds more fuel to the "T.O. OLO" fire... Iggy's Narnia ads were filmed at Cherry Beach, in DOWNTOWN TORONTO.
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So, with Ignatieff's blunder of trying to run the Quebec Liberal organization out of his own Toronto-centric OLO, we've been given a rare opportunity to do exactly what Warren would advise us to do... take a known fact, frame it correctly, and then beat them over the head with it relentlessly.
As such, here's my submission to how we correctly frame Ignatieff's leadership...
Iggy's T.O. OLO
THAT'S how we win this media war. That's how we take advantage of this momunental blunder by Ignatieff, and make sure that every clearly gets the message that the Liberal Party of Canada is now the Liberal Party of TORONTO... and most of this country is sick of Toronto dictating to the rest of us how this country ought to be run.
UPDATE: Stephen Taylor adds more fuel to the "T.O. OLO" fire... Iggy's Narnia ads were filmed at Cherry Beach, in DOWNTOWN TORONTO.
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Labels: His Royal Iggyness, Liberals, Warren
At Tue Sep 29, 01:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Ted Betts said…
So what you are saying is it is better to avoid policy and issues, and just name call and insult.
Can't say I blame you. It worked for Bush and it worked for Harper so far.
But it is not what I think real leadership is made of and I think it is bad for Canada. The shrinking number of voters participating in our democracy is the result and I think that is a horrible and dangerous thing.
At Tue Sep 29, 01:54:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Wrong Ted, we actually learned from the "best" of the Liberals, good old Warren himself.
At Tue Sep 29, 02:02:00 p.m. EDT,
ridenrain said…
We can only debate policy when there is policy to debate. All we have now is vague platitudes and hollow bluster shouted out from Iffy, standing out in empty, left field.
At Tue Sep 29, 02:07:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
He has lived up to the nickname given him on Bloggingtories,
Then Tory posters took the nickname to the NP, Macleans etc.
It stuck because it fits.
Lawrence Martin:
''Up until now one thing that could be said about Michael Ignatieff’s leadership is that, in comparison to Stéphane Dion, he brought discipline to the Liberal party.
Now even that is in doubt. Iggy is being called Iffy.''
At Tue Sep 29, 02:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Ted Betts said…
Regardless of who you claim "started it", CC, you are saying explicitly that it is better to run a campaign based on name calling.
And you wonder why voter turnout drops every year and why Harper has the lowest level of support of any Prime Minister in the history of this country with only 22% of eligible voters voting for him in the last election.
And rather than show some leadership and focus on reasons to vote FOR him, it is better to come up with infantile insults?
No wonder so many Canadians think our democracy is broken. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
At Tue Sep 29, 02:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Alberta Girl said…
Ted...you said
"So what you are saying is it is better to avoid policy and issues, and just name call and insult."
You consistently say things like this - I want some proof of Harper being insulting and Harper name calling.
I await your response.
At Tue Sep 29, 02:59:00 p.m. EDT,
gimbol said…
This erruption in the liberal caucus has been very instructive. It demonstrates that the liberals still retain the outdated idea of the two solitudes.
I guess Ignateiff is a reflection of the party he represents, seems to have missed a bit of Canadian history.
At Tue Sep 29, 02:59:00 p.m. EDT,
gimbol said…
This erruption in the liberal caucus has been very instructive. It demonstrates that the liberals still retain the outdated idea of the two solitudes.
I guess Ignateiff is a reflection of the party he represents, seems to have missed a bit of Canadian history.
At Tue Sep 29, 03:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Ted Betts said…
Alberta Girl:
It's 3:00 in the afternoon. Why haven't you had your coffee yet?
CC's post is all about how insults and name calling is what you should be focusing on.
I didn't refer to Harper here, but I could easily do so. There has not been a PM who prefers the petty gutter attack more than Harper. Even Chretien relied on underlings to do the hatchet jobs so that he could appear to be above the fray. Not our Harper with his glowing 22% support from eligible voters. The sad thing for him is, if he had tried to act like a statesman instead of a chunkier version of Pierre Poilievre, made some attempt to at least look like he cared about the majority of Canadians who didn't vote for him, he would have won a majority a long time ago.
At Tue Sep 29, 04:06:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I can't remember the number of times Dion called P.M. Harper a liar.
At Tue Sep 29, 04:13:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Sorry Ted, but I am more of a strategy guy, as opposed to a pure policy guy.
Policy never was my strong suit, I'm better at helping others understand policy positions than I am at writing or framing them myself.
As for Harper, I think he's managed to stay above the fray fairly well. It's more Iggy that's throwing the mud right now, and Canadian are seeming to get that. Now with their organization in Quebec IMPLODING, you bet I'm going to make sure that we capitalize on this... so that the folks I know who are GOOD at policy will have the chance to write it, and make things better for all Canadians... as opposed to the folks in the Liberal Party of Toronto, who seem to only deal with everything from a statist, urban-centric POV.
At Tue Sep 29, 04:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Alberta Girl said…
"I didn't refer to Harper here, but I could easily do so."
Huh???? Surely you jest Ted. Are you losing your memory?
Ted Said @ 1.51
Can't say I blame you. It worked for Bush and it worked for Harper so far.
I am still waiting for examples of insults and name calling from Harper.
At Tue Sep 29, 06:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Good idea, back at them. Since liberals will do anything for their cherished T.O. and since most of the rest of the country despises the palace, it makes sense to hang the LPC on its own petard. I like it. (real conservative)
At Tue Sep 29, 09:30:00 p.m. EDT,
maryT said…
If only 22 percent voter for PMSH what percentage voted for Dion/layton/duceppe. Had to be less or PMSH would not be the PM
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