Harper ZINGS Rae in Question Period
WOW... this exchange has got to be one of the BEST RESPONSES EVER from Mr. Harper! With one line he put Liberal MP (and former NDP MP and NDP Premier of Ontario) right back in his place! Check the 6:10 mark of this one from CTV.ca:
Bob Rae: "Mr. Speaker, I will ask the Prime Minister a very simple question... does the Government plan to launch a significant defence of the Canadian [Healthcare] system in light of the attack that's been made on it in the United States of America?" [by "right-wingers", as per Rae's previous question]
Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "Well, Mr. Speaker, we intend to let the United States make it's own decisions on domestic debates... I will say this Mr. Speaker, the Canadian Health Care system will not only survive attacks by right-wing commentators in the United States, it even survived one by left-wing INCOMPETENTS in Ontario."
Bob Rae: "Mr. Speaker, I will ask the Prime Minister a very simple question... does the Government plan to launch a significant defence of the Canadian [Healthcare] system in light of the attack that's been made on it in the United States of America?" [by "right-wingers", as per Rae's previous question]
Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "Well, Mr. Speaker, we intend to let the United States make it's own decisions on domestic debates... I will say this Mr. Speaker, the Canadian Health Care system will not only survive attacks by right-wing commentators in the United States, it even survived one by left-wing INCOMPETENTS in Ontario."
Labels: Harper, Liberals, loony lefties, Queen's Park
At Mon Sep 14, 06:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Paul M said…
Very nicely played!
At Mon Sep 14, 06:25:00 p.m. EDT,
Agent Smith said…
Thanks for the link. Loved it lol. PMSH is unflappable and bats them away like gnats.
At Mon Sep 14, 06:44:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PMSH ZINGER BABY!!!
At Mon Sep 14, 07:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Unknown said…
I think it's beneath the dignity of the office of Prime Minister of Canada to spout something like that, and I say that as a former die-hard Conservative supporter who is now likely to sit this election out.
At Mon Sep 14, 07:43:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
But was a "smackdown" an appropriate response to someone asking Mr. Harper to (if I may use the phrase) "Stand Up For Canada"?
At Mon Sep 14, 07:45:00 p.m. EDT,
fernstalbert said…
That is too funny. I would say Mr. Harper is ready to rumble. Cheers.
At Mon Sep 14, 09:49:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Bye,bye optimus,you wont be missed.
At Mon Sep 14, 09:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Surecure said…
Talk about killing two birds with one stone... not only does Harper smack down Bob Rae but he leaves Dalton McGuinty as collateral damage! Can anybody else say eHealth?
At Mon Sep 14, 10:22:00 p.m. EDT,
revanche said…
It was stupid for Rae to ask a Candian Prime Minister to interfere in another country's domestic affairs.
When was the last time a US President showed up on the CBC to criticize Canada for stomping on Bush dolls, demonizing them during elections or take cheap shots at our aboriginal apartheid system?
They don't.
I hope they will take what's best from our experience and learn from our mistakes. Anyone who thinks our system is perfect has never used it.
At Mon Sep 14, 10:37:00 p.m. EDT,
arctic_front said…
Simply put, optimus2861, the dignity of th PM is under assault everyday in the HoC. What makes the opposition think they can be rude or obnoxious and the PM or any member of the Government cannot stand up to them? Sounds a might hypocritical, don't you think?
As for Harper's reply, YESS! Rae had it coming. What the pundits in the USA say has absolutely no bearing on Canadian domestic politics any more than the reverse. It is inappropriate for either country to expect that the other should feel the need to respond to the musings of radio talk show hosts or members of congress.
Chose not to vote if you so choose. But after the election, I would mind you to ZIP IT! as you have abdicated your democratic right to our democratic system and therefore should keep your opinions to yourself. To not vote is an act of cowardice. Grow a set or shut up.
At Mon Sep 14, 10:38:00 p.m. EDT,
Blame Crash said…
Harper gets a hat trick with one slapshot and suddenly former die hard Conservative supporters are going to sit out the next election.
Go figure !?! LOL!!!
At Mon Sep 14, 11:03:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
ohhhh.....some people are soooo maudlin.
Get a grip omtimus 2861 @ 7:43
Did you have a long day?
At Mon Sep 14, 11:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
More proof Rae is trying to sandbag Ignatieff?
Not only does he open himself to criticism, he allows Harper to distance himself from the right wing attacks on our health care system coming from the U.S.
Rae really can't be that stupid.
Can he?
At Tue Sep 15, 01:44:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Really Optimus? And what part of what PMSH said was inaccurate?
At Tue Sep 15, 06:57:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Craig Oliver hit it right on; he said "Canadians affection for PM Harper is like a Drill Seargent, there isn't alot of love for Harper, but there is a whole lot of respect.
Crown & Anchor
At Tue Sep 15, 10:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Hey optimus,do you live in Ontario?Well i can tell you first about our healthcare system.When a buddy of mine waits three years for an operation because he doesnt have private health insurance,Mr Harper hits the hammer on the head because he is right.Three years Optimus.And hes no spring chicken either.
Thats the truth about Canadas healthcare system.Gone are the days of partisan spin as people have their own BS detectors.That should serve as a warning to all politicians now.Whos the next politico to stick their neck out?
At Tue Sep 15, 01:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Bert said…
and I say that as a former die-hard Conservative supporter who is now likely to sit this election out.
Wow, Optimus Sub-prime, THAT will teach PMSH.
Sheesh. Why is it that so many moron's think they can teach people a lesson by sitting out of the election. Don't you DARN whine about the next elected government, then.
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