Guelph's zany Campus Conservatives strike again!
While I hear that the U of Guelph Liberal club is doing virtually nothing on campus, the Guelph Conservative Campus Association has struck once again!
They rounded up a bunch of cars, and cruised the University campus, and other high traffic areas of the city, in a "Get Out The Vote" effort. Lots of positive response, lots of laughter, and many camera phones being whipped out across the city!

Cruising the heart of the Liberal bastion, the University of Guelph. I heard they brought a rugby game to a standstill!
Yes, that IS a lawn sign the kid is wearing!

"Everyone, do 'The Shrug'!"

"I gotta crush on Harper"!
But the most interesting event of the "cruise" was when they showed up for some good natured ribbing at the local Liberal campaign office... but there was virtually no one there! I was shocked when I heard that... not even 4pm on an Advance Poll day, and they were closing up shop! I'm told there were two older ladies and one older gentleman there, and that was it! Meanwhile, the local Tory HQ was hopping all day long, with people on site until well after 10pm! Either the Liberals arrogantly think they have this one in the bag already, or the rumours I've been hearing are true... the local Liberal campaign is completely demoralized, and have vitrtually given up hope!
Based on recent incidents involving their candidate, I'm inclined to believe that the rumours are true!
In a testament to the fact that they're getting demoralized, one of the older ladies at the Liberal office yelled at the kids, "Don't you kids have anything better to do!?!?" A mite touchy, I must say. Apparently the other lady just smiled, and took it in the good natured manner it was intended... a harmless campaign prank by a bunch of University kids.
They rounded up a bunch of cars, and cruised the University campus, and other high traffic areas of the city, in a "Get Out The Vote" effort. Lots of positive response, lots of laughter, and many camera phones being whipped out across the city!

But the most interesting event of the "cruise" was when they showed up for some good natured ribbing at the local Liberal campaign office... but there was virtually no one there! I was shocked when I heard that... not even 4pm on an Advance Poll day, and they were closing up shop! I'm told there were two older ladies and one older gentleman there, and that was it! Meanwhile, the local Tory HQ was hopping all day long, with people on site until well after 10pm! Either the Liberals arrogantly think they have this one in the bag already, or the rumours I've been hearing are true... the local Liberal campaign is completely demoralized, and have vitrtually given up hope!
Based on recent incidents involving their candidate, I'm inclined to believe that the rumours are true!
In a testament to the fact that they're getting demoralized, one of the older ladies at the Liberal office yelled at the kids, "Don't you kids have anything better to do!?!?" A mite touchy, I must say. Apparently the other lady just smiled, and took it in the good natured manner it was intended... a harmless campaign prank by a bunch of University kids.
At Sun Oct 05, 05:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Jason Cherniak said…
Or the Liberal campaign is focusing on door-to-door canvassing instead of phoning.
At Sun Oct 05, 06:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Jerry Prager said…
Wow, what a giant footprint, kind of like the dinosaur policies of Harper eh ? But boy you have fun, I got to give you that, and as one Christian to another, I can see why you need Jesus so badly. God bless and keep you. Your faith is about to be tested.
At Sun Oct 05, 07:23:00 p.m. EDT,
West Coast Teddi said…
and Jason C is down stairs in his "war room basement" cruising the blogs instead of "door ta door"
At Sun Oct 05, 08:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
These kids represent the future of Canada.
So encouraging!!
At Sun Oct 05, 09:08:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
The liberal campaign along with their buddies the MSM are hoping that the brain dead masses that always voted for them will rise up from their coffins on election day. (real conservative)
At Mon Oct 06, 12:01:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Ah conservatives out driving around in support. I bet their brake lines were in good shape.
At Mon Oct 06, 08:58:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I never thought I'd be jealous of a Stephen Harper poster.
She's cute!
Mike Wisniewski
At Mon Oct 06, 04:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Yeah we always check our brake lines. There's a lot of frustrated Liberals in Guelph these days so you can never be to careful.
At Wed Oct 08, 12:16:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Who is the hot girl kissing the Harper Poster?
Can she please email us at ? Maybe we can cast her in the next mashline girl video?
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