About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
Blog Awards

September 7, 2008
January 7, 2007
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Previous Posts
- GG not going to China after all
- US Third Party Attack Ads Begin
- "Gotcha!" politics... I knew this day would come
- One way to sign your own death warrant
- Liberal MP withdraws sexist and ageist remarks
- Liberal MP to senior female Senator: "Go back to s...
- Who's "FRARK"?
- What's your "GST" rebate going to be?
- "Green Shift" = Guelph Shutdown
- Liberal MP to Seniors: "60? Retire already"
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Wed Aug 27, 08:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Good heavens, I knew it was bad I didn't realize it was this bad.
The stench of entitlement is stinking up the convention floor.
At Thu Aug 28, 12:18:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I WOULD say something about how Clinton's supporters should suck it up and move on...
can't help but think I might get called out on my hypocrisy, though.
Mike Wisniewski
At Thu Aug 28, 12:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
And indeed you would Mike. ;-)
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