Liberal MP to Seniors: "60? Retire already"
Yikes... Liberal MP Robert Thibault went and offended, well, a good chunk of the population the other day while trying to attack his Conservative opponent for the next election.
I quote: ""If they (Conservatives) wanted to take me out, I would think you'd get someone who's looking forward to building a political career, not somebody who's at the age where he's considering retirement," he told reporters. "You're not building for the future here. This is a candidate who's lost provincially, lost federally, and is what, 62, 63 years old?"
Wow. Nice one dude, nice one. Considering you won your seat by a pretty narrow margin the last time, let me be the first to congragulate you on your own impending retirement.
I hear 48 is the new 40... though I'm sure you disagree with that general sentiment.
I quote: ""If they (Conservatives) wanted to take me out, I would think you'd get someone who's looking forward to building a political career, not somebody who's at the age where he's considering retirement," he told reporters. "You're not building for the future here. This is a candidate who's lost provincially, lost federally, and is what, 62, 63 years old?"
Wow. Nice one dude, nice one. Considering you won your seat by a pretty narrow margin the last time, let me be the first to congragulate you on your own impending retirement.
I hear 48 is the new 40... though I'm sure you disagree with that general sentiment.
At Mon Aug 11, 04:07:00 p.m. EDT,
Unknown said…
Someone should remind Thibault that seniors, out of all the demographic voting groups, are the ones that vote in the highest percentages. As you have said yourself, angering the seniors will likely mean that there is a high likelihood that he may lose his seat in the next election.
At Mon Aug 11, 04:46:00 p.m. EDT,
wilson said…
There's more:
"Yes [I stand by] the comments that I made, but not the comments that are attributed to me," Mr. Thibault (West Nova, N.S.) told The Hill Times, laughing at the apparent incongruity of his statement. But he went on to explain: "[I do not stand by] the intent [or spin]
that idiots like Marjory LeBreton would put onto my comments. Marjory should go back to making tea for Brian Mulroney and stay out of serious people's business."
At Mon Aug 11, 05:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I think his comment that accomplished women like Marjory Lebreton should go back in the kitchen and make tea more offensive.
I hope the media calls him to task.
At Mon Aug 11, 09:08:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't hold my breath, Cool Blue. It aint gonna happen.
At Mon Aug 11, 10:00:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
First Brison now Thibault next Regan. Life couldn't be better.
At Mon Aug 11, 10:31:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I thought those comments were a joke until I went to the Hill Times to confirm.
Shameful. Truly shameful.
At Mon Aug 11, 10:32:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
This relagation to the slag heap at 60 does not, of course, apply to Liberal hack senators, Liberal hack strategists, Liberal hack MPs, or Liberal brain dead leaders.
CTV was exceedingly quick to allow Thibault to attempt to justify his remarks. Ir's a good thing this wasn't a Conservative who said something this stupid or it would still be making headlines with no rebuttals allowed.
At Wed Aug 13, 12:27:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Just compare the class and abilities of a Lady like Senator Lebreton with that of the Liberal appointees. These women are laughable without exception and show the Liberal attitude towards women. The appointment is usually a payoff to their husbands.
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