My newest discovery... JUNKYARDS
My A/C died on my VW Golf, so I decided to take a look under the hood today to see if I could see anything obvious... a disconnected cable, etc. Well, I found a completely different problem instead... a broken air breather hose. (my engine has hesitated a couple times recently, I thought it was just time for some new plugs and a tune-up)
Anyway, went over to my local dealer for the part, figured I'd be $20 or something. WRONG... try $66, plus tax. And that's just for the part.
Checked a couple local after-market parts stores, best price was $50, with delivery tomorrow. Decided to check with a local old-timer garage, who's got a solid reputation with VW's. Anyway, he suggests an auto-wrecker just outside of town. So, I called into work, told them I was taking the rest of the day off, and went for a drive.
Walked into your stereotypical junkyard office, with a dozen or so car radios stacked on a shelf to my left, with various and sundry parts laying all over the place. A funny sign hung behind the desk... "Prices subject to change based on customers attitude". Made me smile. Anyway, they had me sign in, told me that they had a couple of my make and model, and where to find them.
Took a while, but found them... two Golf's, one with my engine, and various Jetta's. And not only did I find my part, but it looks like the guy (or gal) had it replaced not long before they junked the car. So, I got my hose, plus an ashtray that I lost eons ago, and the passenger seat adjuster knob that broke three years ago. And newish rear wiper to boot.
The cost? Ten bucks for the whole lot... plus tax. $11.30 and a little elbow grease (and engine grease) later, and I'm all ship shape.
Think I'm heading back there soon, I saw some nice and new looking premium spark plug cables... and I forgot to swipe a new radio knob.
At Fri Jun 06, 12:49:00 p.m. EDT,
Rileysowner said…
So where exactly is this junkyard.
At Fri Jun 06, 12:54:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Not to far from where I live... which is somewhere in SW Ontario. ;-)
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