PM to Liberals: "Do you REALLY want to give me that kind of power?"
UPDATE: A big "Hello!" to all the readers coming in from SDA... while you're here, do the Party a favour and check my post on the Tory candidate oustings... there's always more than one side to the story!
LOL... the PM has been hounded for days to launch an inquiry into Mr. Mulroney. You gotta love his reply today... "Do you REALLY want me to start investigating former Prime Ministers? You guys might want to stop and think twice about that one..."
LOL... the PM has been hounded for days to launch an inquiry into Mr. Mulroney. You gotta love his reply today... "Do you REALLY want me to start investigating former Prime Ministers? You guys might want to stop and think twice about that one..."
"Do they really want to say that I, as prime minister, should have a free hand to launch inquiries against my predecessors?" Harper asked reporters Friday in Halifax following a speech to the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples.
Harper also issued a thinly-veiled warning to the Liberals, saying he could use the opportunity to investigate former prime minister Jean Chrétien's involvement in the controversial sale of a golf course in his Quebec riding — even though the justice system has already dealt with the matter.
Or, he said, he could also launch an inquiry to look into Paul Martin's involvement with Canada Steamship Lines, a company Martin held in trust while he was prime minister.
"This is not a route that I want to go down," Harper said. "And I don't think that if the Liberal party thought twice about it, it is a power they would want to give me."
At Fri Nov 02, 05:02:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
can you say Shawinagate ?
Fire by Liberal lightening perhaps ?
How much involvement did Cretin have in the affair ??
Curios minds would like to know :)
At Fri Nov 02, 05:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Patrick Ross said…
Heh. Maybe Harper should give the Liberals what they want.
At Fri Nov 02, 05:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Let me guess, the liberals had no response to this, they are just sitting on their hands again?
At Fri Nov 02, 11:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
That was another 'go ahead, make my day moment' for PMSH.
At Fri Nov 02, 11:59:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't want this power to rest in the hands of any PM but I would like to see a full inquiry into BM, JC, PM and any other PM accused of using abuse of power in order to gain finacially. We might have a much cleaner Gvt if the leaders knew they would be held to account for their misdeeds.
At Sat Nov 03, 12:57:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Yes I do
I hate any corruption, and the investigations should come from the RCMP cuz its their job. Oh ya thats right the RCMP is the problem.
At Sat Nov 03, 02:47:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
It would seem perfectly logical that the Liberal Party of Canada should engage their legal department and initiate actions against the former PM. Judging by the fact that it cost Canada over 2 million last time around, that should just about finish the party financially.
Yes, that would be a good thing.
At Sat Nov 03, 09:04:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I just love that Prime Minister Stephen Harper! He’s some Smart Cookie!
One thing's for sure: If PT, BM, JC, and PM were investigated--by a real hard-hitting, no-**it investigative unit, which I'm not sure the RCMP can call itself these days after years of Librano corruption--all roads would lead to two men: Paul Desmarais and Maurice Strong.
THEN maybe we'd get somewhere. THEN maybe we'd get an actual picture of how Canadians have been scammed big-time by the Puppet Masters. 'Can't see this happening, though, and PMSH is a wise man to not even want to go there.
'Best thing he can do is to steer the ship of State away from the alligators in that particular swamp.
At Sat Nov 03, 10:39:00 a.m. EDT,
Greg said…
I would have to answer yes, too. I would very much like him to look into corruption from past governments.
Harper is a bit late though in his dislike of political fishing expeditions. Remember the separatist he hired this spring to look into the polling practices of the Martin government? Funny how Harper suddenly gets religion when one of his buddies is in the cross hairs.
At Sat Nov 03, 11:19:00 a.m. EDT,
Dirk said…
"... after years of Librano corruption--all roads would lead to two men: Paul Desmarais and Maurice Strong."
Read a book or two before spouting off. Mulroney was intimately tied to Desmarais and the Power Corp people.
At Sat Nov 03, 03:29:00 p.m. EDT,
Brian in Calgary said…
Message to the Liberals - Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.
At Sat Nov 03, 03:53:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Investigations into previous PMs is a tempting thought but not a wise one! Under Trudeau's reign the RCMP commisioner started to report to the Solicitor General I believe Warren Almand was SG at the time. This effectively killed the independence of the force and made it very difficult to investigate political wrongdoing.
At Sat Nov 03, 04:02:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Uh dirk...notice the initial's BM in BATB's comment? Do you think that stands for Bess Meyers?
BATB has read the book.You need to read the comment.
At Sun Nov 04, 12:07:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Thanks, anonymous.
Dirk: When I mentioned BM in my comment--FYI--I had Brian Mulroney firmly in mind.
I've been around the block...and I've read the book...
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