Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

List of Retiring MP's... Heavy on Liberals

Well, as of April 11, 2007, we're up to 16 current Liberal MP's who will not be running in the next election. Instead of linking to my old post, I'm posting a new one with a cumulative list thus far... this post will be updated as more choose to jump ship.

Here's a nice quote I read at Political Staples, lifted from an article about Ms. Robillard's retirement at Yahoo News...

...privately, some Liberals admit the departures are a sign that MPs don't expect the Liberal party to be returned to power in the next election, which many Grits expect to come this spring. Polls suggest the Tories are closing in on support levels needed to win a majority while the Liberals are mired around 30 per cent, after a brief bounce in popularity following Dion's election as leader in December.
"That's a bad sign," a senior Quebec Liberal said of the numerous departures. "If people were feeling there was some momentum, they wouldn't be leaving."
Indeed, Liberal MPs seem to be abandoning ship in greater numbers than their counterparts in other parties. So far, only four Tory MPs have said they won't seek re-election, one New Democrat and two members of the separatist Bloc Quebecois.

The list of retiring MP's is currently:

Paul Martin (Lasalle-Emard, QC)
Stephen Owen (Vancouver Quadra, BC)
Jean Lappier (Outremont, QC)
Brenda Chamerlain (Guelph, ON)
Raymond Bonin (Nickel Belt, ON)
Bill Graham (Toronto Centre, ON - annc. Feb 2007)
Andy Scott (Fredericton, NB - annc. Mar. 5, 2007)
Joe McGuire (Egmont, PEI - annc. Mar. 7, 2007)
Jim Peterson (Willowdale, ON - annc. Mar. 7, 2007)
Paul Steckle (Huron-Bruce, ON - annc. Mar. 7, 2007)
Nancy Karetak-Lindell (Nunavut, annc. Dec. 22, 2006)
Joe Commuzi (March 21, 2007 - kinda hard to run again when you get the boot, eh?)
Tom Wappel (Scarborough West, ON - annc. March 23, 2007)
Bill Matthews (Random-Burin-St. George, NL - annc. Apr. 3, 2007)
Lucienne Robillard (Westmount-Ville-Marie, QC - annc. Apr. 4, 2007 - h/t Phantom Observer)
Belinda Stronach (Newmarket, ON - annc. Apr. 11, 07)


Brian Fitzpatrick (Prince Albert, SK)
John Williams (Edmonton-St. Albert, AB)
Ken Epp (Edmonton-Sherwood Park, AB)
Norman Doyle (St. John's East, NL)


Bill Blakie, NDP
2 Bloc MP's, looking for their names

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  • At Wed Apr 04, 11:15:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    True that quit a few Grits are departing, but they're also vacating some pretty solid Liberal strongholds. Of the 15 currently listed, the only seats I see that are even remotely possible Tory pickups are:

    Huron-Bruce, ON
    Guelph, ON
    Random-Burin-St. George, NL
    Fredrickton, NB
    Vancouver Quadra, BC

  • At Thu Apr 05, 09:50:00 a.m. EDT, Blogger Guelph First said…

    There are no longer any safe Liberal seats.....

  • At Wed Apr 11, 04:01:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    there is at least one more south-western ontario liberal m.p. who will not be seeking re-election that has not gone public that I know of for sure..I'd suspect others will drop soon enough

  • At Wed Apr 11, 04:57:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Christian Conservative said…

    Anon 4:01, please, DO TELL... I'd love to have a scoop on the BT's, Liblogs and the MSM. ;-)


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