Stephane can't win

Remember... "Stephane" was just the alter-ego of a geek. ;-)
Kidding. Seriously, I don't think that Dion will be able to beat our Right Honourable Stephen Joseph Harper. Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons. The cerebral professor against a (more) regular Joe Canadian. The one trick pony (Kyoto) toe to toe with the jack-of-all-trades economist.
People are going to care more about jobs than the environment, mark my words. The contrast will be made, that the only way to keep our Liberal Kyoto commitments will be to cut off the head of our economic engine, Alberta... the only part of the economy that's keeping our nation afloat right now.
And if Dion wins? No problem... it will be a short-lived win. Believe me... the unemployed masses will see to that.
At Sat Dec 02, 07:38:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Starbucks vs. Tim Hortons, eh? That's a fair comparison. The majority of people go for Timmy's more often than they go for Starbucks.
And you think people care more about jobs than the environment? If that's true, it's a sad state of affairs that money comes before the preciousness of Creation. Fortunately, I think Canadians are far more concerned about the environment than you think.
At Sat Dec 02, 08:08:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Sure Canadian's care a lot about the environment, as they should. As Christian's should. But most aren't willing to sacrifice their livelyhood's or the well-being of their families upon the ulter of "environmentalism".
At Sat Dec 02, 10:16:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Tim Hortons is Stephane Dion, I mean.
At Sun Dec 03, 09:10:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
“Two kinds of men generally best succeed in political life; men of no principle, but of great talent; and men of no talent, but of one principle - that of obedience to their superiors.” ~ Wendell Phillips
Kinda describes Liberal ideology to a tee doesn't it?
At Sun Dec 03, 04:52:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Okay, reply time...
"As I recall, you called other things as well that didn't quite pan out." True enough, but the end outcome was indeed correct.
I'm really not seeing this Harper as the "Tim Horton's PM" thing. Actually, I think it may have been Warren that started the comparison, and MacLean's picked up on it. It's more a comparison of the "elitist Starbucks Liberal" vs. "Regular Joe Tim Horton's". Warren made the observation in December of last year, during the campaign. He said "At one of my kids hockey practices, I saw parents with Tim Horton's and Coffee Time... at the other, I saw mostly Starbucks. This election, the Tim Horton's and Coffee Time parents are going to gang up on the Starbucks parents." Exactly what happened... Tim's being CPC, Starbucks being Libs, and Coffee Time being NDP. (fairly accurate assesment of each chain's clientelle, from my chair)
I'd say Haper and Dion have more in common than your analogy suggests. I actually agree with you here, but I'm betting that in the ensuing election, that sort of comparison will be made.
"one trick pony" Just repeating some of the commentary already out there. Most people don't know anything about Dion beyond Kyoto, and at that, his record was fairly dismall. (not all his fault, blame his bosses... but it will be laid at his feet)
You may care more about jobs than the welfare of our environment, but poll after poll is showing that the environment is the top concern for Canadians. It is indeed a concern for me... but Kyoto isn't. I'm hoping that the next campaign we'll be able to more clearly articulate our views and sell them to Canadians, rather than having them believe the same lines (or lies) that the Liberals have been feeding them for years. (referring to their lies about our views on the Enviornment)
As for my comment about jobs, all I'm saying is that when Canadians face the reality that implementing Kyoto on the timelines being proposed by the Liberals will grind our economy to a halt, they will stop and say "Hang on a sec!" and won't support the Liberals. Then we can start discussing REALISTIC timelines, and come up with a implentable plan. (somewhere between Kyoto and our Clean Air Act)
Fire away.
At Mon Dec 04, 02:57:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I'm flattered that you would call my province the "economic engine." Very nice. :-)
I think Dion's victory is a huge victory for Harper. Reports out here have many Liberals getting up and walking out during his speech. Neither the Cretien backers, nor the Martin backers were helping him, so I foresee a poorly funded, poorly organized caucus under a leader who is nothing more then a scapegoat for the upcoming Harper majority. After that happens, he'll be replaced by one of the big dog Liberals who didn't bother running this time, and the battle will actually ensue.
Till then...I'm pretty sure it's a party at Conservative headquarters.
It sure was here in Alberta!!!
At Mon Dec 04, 08:40:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
According to CTV and the Globe & Mail's strategic counsel poll 55% of Canadian's think Dion was a good choice, and 37% say they will vote Liberal in the next election.
Are you kidding me? I doubt very much that 55% of Canadians have any idea who Stephane Diion is. And why are soooo many people prepared to vote Liberal again? According to the same poll 37% of people survey say they will vote Liberal. The Conservatives haven't really done anything all that controversial, they've just been governing extremly effectively.
But, at the same time that these polls show an edge for the Liberals, PM Harper's approval rating sits at 56%!
Arrgh, polls, what are they good for?
At Tue Dec 05, 03:07:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
What good are polls for? I believe the late John Diefenbaker more than once said that dogs know exactly what polls (poles?) are good for.
Brian in Calgary
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