Ontario... Yours to Figure Out
...cause I sure can't figure them out! From the Toronto Star:
Fortunately, there's a sliver lining in the Frank Graves (the pollster's) comments... "If the economy stays strong — particularly the labour market — I think they'll be very difficult to dislodge."
That's the catch... the labour market has started getting WORSE in Ontario recently, just starting in the last couple of months. With the way things have been going in the auto sector and other industries lately, the labour market ISN'T likely to stay stong. Though only a few are actually out of work at this point, with all the recent layoffs that have been announced by the "Big Three" and other sectors (like at Domtar in Cornwall, and locally at ABB and Imperial Tobacco), there is going to be a sudden deluge of unemployed workers out there. But what's really sad is that it is going to take these thousands of layoffs to wake up the province.
Well, here's to next October 4... only 344 more sleeps!
Ontario Liberals top poll: Election seems McGuinty's to lose, pollster saysNew Ontario motto... "Promises made, promises broken... but we'll re-elect them anyway!"
Premier Dalton McGuinty's Liberals appear to have weathered recent political problems and hold a comfortable lead over the Progressive Conservatives led by John Tory, a new poll suggests.
The Toronto Star-EKOS Research Associates survey shows the Liberals at 42.4 per cent to the Conservatives' 36.2 per cent with Howard Hampton's New Democrats surging to 19.6 per cent.
Fortunately, there's a sliver lining in the Frank Graves (the pollster's) comments... "If the economy stays strong — particularly the labour market — I think they'll be very difficult to dislodge."
That's the catch... the labour market has started getting WORSE in Ontario recently, just starting in the last couple of months. With the way things have been going in the auto sector and other industries lately, the labour market ISN'T likely to stay stong. Though only a few are actually out of work at this point, with all the recent layoffs that have been announced by the "Big Three" and other sectors (like at Domtar in Cornwall, and locally at ABB and Imperial Tobacco), there is going to be a sudden deluge of unemployed workers out there. But what's really sad is that it is going to take these thousands of layoffs to wake up the province.
Well, here's to next October 4... only 344 more sleeps!
At Sat Oct 28, 06:44:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Unfortunataly, a split in the Provincial right will devastate us for a generation. Ontario won't vote for a truly right leaning provincial conservative party for the next decade because of "the Harris years". The left/media have convinced voters that those years were bad for the province, so we're out in the wilderness on the provincial level for a while.
Toronto is the problem, as they won't vote for a Harris clone right now. But they supported Tory for Mayor in droves, he didn't lose to Miller by that big a margin. That's why we have to stay more central right now, as opposed to the near left Libs of Dalton, and the far left NDP. John Tory is the best man to rebuild the party over the next few years.
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