South Park & Comedy Central
Here's the evidience of a network's hypocricy that I was alluding to weeks ago... Comedy Central "censored" a South Park episode during a segment with "the Prophet Mohammed". They did not censor a clip with the Lord Jesus Christ, which was offensive to Christians.
I'm offended by the way the Lord Jesus Christ was portrayed, and I don't think they should have aired the clip. However, the fact that they DID air it, while at the same time censoring Mohammed, only proves my point about the media's hypocricy when it comes to the Christian faith.
Anyone have any comment on that one?
h/t to SDA.
I'm offended by the way the Lord Jesus Christ was portrayed, and I don't think they should have aired the clip. However, the fact that they DID air it, while at the same time censoring Mohammed, only proves my point about the media's hypocricy when it comes to the Christian faith.
Anyone have any comment on that one?
h/t to SDA.
At Thu Apr 13, 04:35:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's more of a concern with safety than it is hypocricy. I'm sure they would have loved to not censor whatever they censored but they know that they have more to worry about at the moment from Muslims then from Christians when it comes to violent repercussions.
But hey, only a few centuries ago and many Christians would have killed them for what they air on their channel so don't feel too bad. :)
At Thu Apr 13, 07:38:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"I don't think so Drew--you can't make such probability judgements re: Christians."
I didn't say "all Christians," now, did I? I said "many Christians." :)
"Which ones are you referring to by the way? The ones who conducted the witch hunts? My goodness, you have to go back several hundred years and put into context the various reasons for why such incidents took place."
Well, I did say centuries ago. :) And go back a little further and you've got the Inquisition to think about too (and yes, they were Christians running the Inquisition, albeit not very nice Christians).
"Be assured there was no targeting of children, innocent people, or worshippers in a mosque like these Islamic terrorists are today. The depiction of Jesus and Mary took place without fear from the religous authorities--not so with today's extremist Muslims."
We don't have any such prohibitions so that is a bit of a red herring there.
"Such comparisons cheapen the ongoing threat of Islamic militancy."
That's nice.
At Thu Apr 13, 08:38:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
South Park made it clear the Comedy Central would not let them show Mohammed. There is no way Parker and Stone would voluntarily hold back.
And they made fun of CBC too. Not too shabby.
At Thu Apr 13, 10:30:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
Firstly, I'm pretty sure Drew wasn't commenting on Islamofascism, so where the "such comparisons cheapen the ongoing threat of Islamic militancy" comment's origins are truly a thing of mystery to me. Mind you, as Drew already showed rather clearly, not a lot of care was taken in reading his post in the first place.
Secondly, comparing Islamofascist atrocities to Christian ones is like comparing Stalin's GULags favourably to Hitler's concentration camps: sure, they might be a little less worse, but does anybody care? And not all Christian abuses of power come in the form of atrocities, see file under "Guelph Bible Chapel" for more info.
Thirdly, can't Christians take a little ribbing about our faith once in a while? We sure have no problems dishing it out.
I don't think the statement "Drew just owned Richard" is too out of line, here.
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