San Fran vs. the Catholic Church
From Upper Canada Catholic.
Looks like the City of San Francisco passed a resolution attacking the local Catholic Cardinal for his directive to Catholic Charities not to place children for adoption in the care of homosexual couples. A Catholic leader giving instruction to a Catholic organization... isn't something like that an internal matter?
Well, that's how the Catholic League feels about it... "This is an internal matter". And to back that up, they're taking the City to court.
Congrats to the citizens of San Fran... your activist council just guaranteed a hike in your property taxes!
And it's not the first time. Here's a resolution from the other week, condemning a Pro-Life rally.
Next election, maybe you wanna think about un-electing these guys.
Looks like the City of San Francisco passed a resolution attacking the local Catholic Cardinal for his directive to Catholic Charities not to place children for adoption in the care of homosexual couples. A Catholic leader giving instruction to a Catholic organization... isn't something like that an internal matter?
Well, that's how the Catholic League feels about it... "This is an internal matter". And to back that up, they're taking the City to court.
Congrats to the citizens of San Fran... your activist council just guaranteed a hike in your property taxes!
And it's not the first time. Here's a resolution from the other week, condemning a Pro-Life rally.
Next election, maybe you wanna think about un-electing these guys.
At Sat Apr 08, 12:45:00 a.m. EDT,
Danté said…
'Bout damn time. I'm getting tired of the nonsense they've been getting on with.
At Sat Apr 08, 12:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
After reading those resolutions, it is sad to hear the official stance of the City in these two topics, and how they are so easily sustained. It's like making it a matter of 'rights' here in Canada, you make it a matter of 'choice' (their choice, of course) and you can pass anything. I 'choose' to stand firm against murder (abortion) and 'choose' believe the physical requirement of a man and a woman to reproduce indicate the necessity of both. When the issues of SSM and abortion became 'rights' issues, it was then that the Left got them pushed through. funny how they had to change the entire viewpoint on ths subject in order to make it acceptable.
In somewhat other news, I would joyfully like to announce that while Narnia is all out at the blockbuster I am currently working at, they still have stacks of brokeback mountain. Guess people still have an ingrained knowledge about such issues as being wrong...
At Sat Apr 08, 02:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"In somewhat other news, I would joyfully like to announce that while Narnia is all out at the blockbuster I am currently working at, they still have stacks of brokeback mountain. Guess people still have an ingrained knowledge about such issues as being wrong..."
Or, more likely, an ingrained bigotry drilled into them by society over the years. Society is (unfortunately) still very conservative regardless of what paranoia the right might have about it.
At Sat Apr 08, 06:39:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"why do you call the choice to not purchase a movie a bigotry?"
It has nothing to do with not wanting to purchase a movie, I have no intention of purchasing it either as I've already seen it in the theatre. It's the likely reason behind not wanting to see the movie I'm refering too.
At Sat Apr 08, 07:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
vicki, I was responding to Eldon Murray's comments about "ingrained knowledge about such issues as being wrong," not to random reasons one might not want to see random movies.
At Sat Apr 08, 09:33:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
It is entirely possible that I did.
At Sun Apr 09, 04:21:00 p.m. EDT,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
Makes you wonder who exactly is on that San Fransisco city council.
At Mon Apr 10, 11:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Zac said…
The Catholic Church needs to be muzzled from time to time. There is nothing wrong with children being raised by homosexual couples. Get a clue man!
At Mon Apr 10, 01:49:00 p.m. EDT,
Simon said…
Right on Zac
The Catholic Church should be ashamed of itself for putting its hateful dogma ahead of the needs of kids. Gay people can make great parents. But I'm not surprised. That's all the Church does these days hate, hate, hate. Christ would have disowned you, thrown you out of his ministry, like he threw the merchants out of the temple.
At Mon Apr 10, 02:12:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Simon, I think you're right about God tossing the Cath. church out of the Temple... however, this is one area where I happen to be in agreement with them.
It's not an issue of hate whatsoever... I know of many ministries who seek to reach out to those in the homosexual community, such as "Exodus Ministries". It's out of love that these ministries exist, seeking to help people out of bondage to this particular sin. (just like there are Christian programs for alcholoics, drug addicts, gambling addicts, etc.)
At Mon Apr 10, 03:02:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth by Wayne R. Besen is an interesting book that explains how groups like Exodus International don't actually work for the most part.
At Tue Apr 11, 05:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
Costen at the plate, with a 2-1 count, he's sitting on a fastball. Here's the windup, and the delivery: and there's a swing and a drive and...SEE YOU LATER!
Not that I agree with Drew point-for-point on sexual ethics - or anywhere close - but I could have predicted that response. He just ripped that one right out of the park. Total conversation-stopper.
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