Do liberals attack Christians?
This is interesting, and supports what I've said for a while... I post it here for futher comment/discussion. h/t to Boswarlos Daily for posting this:
What are your thoughts?
NOTE TO COMMENTERS: let's keep the focus on this topic. Some recent comments have already focused on the sins of the Catholic church, so let's try not to go there, unless you feel a point is relevant. Also, WATCH THE LANGUAGE... I left one or two comments up there as the rest of their content was pretty good, HOWEVER, take this as your warning... COMMENTS WITH "UNEDUCATED" LANGUAGE WILL BE DELETED. (ie - choose OTHER four letter words, thank you very much)
Stanley Kurtz writing in the National Review Online excoriates the righteous progressives who openly condemn practitioners of traditional Christianity:Now I don't support Christians "hurling back" anything, we should be "turning the other cheek" as the Lord Jesus commanded us to... and allowing our meek and peaceful response show others what it truely means to follow Christ. (I fail at this regularly)
"For a very long time now, secular liberals have treated conservative Christians as the modern embodiment of evil, the one group you’re allowed to openly hate. Although barely noticed by the rest of us, this poison has been floating through our political system for decades. Traditional Christians are tired of it, and I don’t blame them. That doesn’t justify rhetorical excess from either side. But the fact of the matter is that the Left’s rhetorical attacks on conservative Christians have long been more extreme, more widely disseminated, and more politically effective than whatever the Christians have been hurling back. And now that their long ostracism by the media has finally forced conservative Christians to demand redress, the Left has abandoned all rhetorical restraint."
What are your thoughts?
NOTE TO COMMENTERS: let's keep the focus on this topic. Some recent comments have already focused on the sins of the Catholic church, so let's try not to go there, unless you feel a point is relevant. Also, WATCH THE LANGUAGE... I left one or two comments up there as the rest of their content was pretty good, HOWEVER, take this as your warning... COMMENTS WITH "UNEDUCATED" LANGUAGE WILL BE DELETED. (ie - choose OTHER four letter words, thank you very much)
At Fri Mar 17, 11:37:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
To answer your question at the top of the page: Yes, they do.
I don't believe that Christians must "hurl" anything back to address this but turn it around on your abusers. Would they DARE to treat members of another faith as badly? I don't think so.
With the cartoon fiasco I believe the media may be more sensitive to Christians here, for a while at least. As soon as one of them goes at it again make it as public as possible: demand an answer, would they treat (fill in the faith) this way? Yes? THAT would be an uproar heard around the country, challenge them. No? Then point out discrimination laws which are supposed to protect your faith along with the others, that you should be respected.
I don't refer to this as hurling anything because my understanding of the Christian faith is that you must stand up for it too, publicly if you must, in a court if it comes to that. It should always be done in a manner according to your teachings and be respectful.
That is my outsider perspective.
At Sat Mar 18, 07:43:00 a.m. EST,
Roy Eappen said…
The fiberal party is definetely anti Christian. remeber the ban on the menton of Our Lord and saviour by Jean Chretien for the Ottawa 9/11 memorials. the overt attacks on Evangelicals? I call the fiberals the Party against God.
At Sat Mar 18, 09:53:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Vicki, you are quite right to point that out.
The reason that I automatically referred to the media so quickly is that they enable it, even seem to encourage it. They play the footage over and over of liberals making statements of the Evangelical influence in the CPC and plenty of other not so nice references. The media has two choices and they always choose the same one - to accept this as okay rather than harshly criticize them and question why faith bashing is okay, they even join in and add their own comments supporting the liberals.
Everyone remembers Stockwell Day and Barney the purple dinosour on TV, how the whole country laughed. For the media to allow such a blatant and humiliating attack by the liberals to go unchecked, indeed, laughing and adding their own bias was shameful. Now, I don't know for sure but aren't the Muslims of a similar belief in creationism? Would this have been allowed if Stock had been a Muslim? If a Muslim candidate was publicly mocked during an election for any of his beliefs there would be mass hysteria over this treatment.
The media is very sensitive right now to religion and taking action quickly on any biased treatment will be easier. Christians should now be diligent with anything in the media, no matter how small, and deal with it swiftly, they have the upperhand for once in a very long time, use it.
At Sat Mar 18, 11:01:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Acually, I used a small case "L"... I'm refering to liberals (the left), in all it's various forms... parties, media, advocacy groups, etc.
Comment on!
At Sat Mar 18, 01:05:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It is acceptable to discriminate against Christians. It is not acceptable to discriminate against Jews, Muslims, etc. It makes perfect sense, the Godless warring against the Godly. This is simply a long road towards persecution. Each victory for the Godless enshrined in law. Every Christian virtue ridiculed, co opted, or corrupted. Charities are no longer allowed to acknowledge their Christian roots. This is also true of hospitals, universities, social groups, clubs, and even political parties. How many Canadians know that Medicare was the child of a Christian, born and shaped by Christian ideals and values? How many Canadians know that our Charter of Rights and Freedoms begin with the phrase "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law"?
We are at war. Like it or not it is true. The weapons of the enemy are lies and rhetoric. Our weapons are truth and intellect. We must win this war, not by harsh words or injustice, but by compassion and clarity of thought. We must expose the lies and the half truths for what they are. We must, as the apostle Paul did, engage the mind and spirit of the crowds so that they can see the truth for themselves and prepare them for the lies of the enemy.
Well, this was a lot longer winded and preachy than I intended but I hope I get me message across.
At Sat Mar 18, 03:01:00 p.m. EST,
Stevie B said…
As a lurker to this site I'd like to comment on the purrplegrrl's comment:
Christians dont' want to "force our religion" on those not practicing it, and banning abortion and same sex marriage being the evidence of this.
With abortion in particular, we just want to stop murder. Simple. (I know pro-choice people have some ways of denying it's murder.)
Unjust murder is still unjust murder no matter your religious views.
At Sat Mar 18, 05:36:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Part of the problem is that many Christians have taken the media image unto themselves and seem to inadvertently feed the stereotype the left dwells on so successfully. With the intellectual drubbing the Christian faith has received since the rationalists began picking apart the Bible and Darwin attacked with his theory of evolution Christians have responded by "dumbing down" their religion. Most of us could quote Billy Graham yet few of us could quote Augustine. Many of us have read puff pieces like Good Morning Holy Spirit few of us have read the Council of Orange. Most of us believe in "giving to get" few of us understand "Unmerited Grace". We Christians must stop retreating and begin proclaiming the Truth with all our minds not just our emotions and replacing sound doctrine for the likes of Benny Hinn, Ken Copeland etc etc etc.
At Sat Mar 18, 06:20:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I'm both fairly liberal and a Christian so I wouldn't think that all liberals do. We might "attack" conservative Christian viewpoints though. I personally will "attack" any religious viewpoint though as I believe that Christianity is not meant to be a religion at all but rather the end of religion.
At Sun Mar 19, 02:11:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I think the general stance of the Left, toward religion is a policy of "take out the head and the body will follow" Christianity, being the head.
Until you see the Left, the Liberals, or the CBC critisize Native Canadian creation beliefs, or Muslim human rights beliefs openly and enthusiaticly, you cannot tell me there is no biased against Christianity.
In the last 150 years Christians have largly been removed from the market place of ideas. The worst part is that it was voluntary. It was made known to us, by our "intellectual superiors" that our voice was no longer needed, and instead of fighting through the noise, we turned away. Effectively becoming isolationists, feeding only ourselves and segregating our ideas from the rest of society.
Christians need to stop complaing and do something, make our voices heard and proclaim our intentions with the authority that we have through God. That is precisely what has happened in the US, Christians got involved, and it has scared people. We were supposed to stay in the shadows and silently, let the secularists pick away our beliefs till there was nothing left to believe in.
As Christians started to act with the strength of their convictions, the rhetoric from the Left increased, and became more aggressive, more intollerant, and more hateful.
At Mon Mar 20, 04:37:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
sorry i'm so late on this conversation...
jdave24, boy you sound like a lot of the people screaming to Christ to get down from the cross to prove he's the messiah.
maybe God's plans aren't yours?
At Mon Mar 20, 05:48:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
So let me get this straight you want God to do more than he does? Everytime someone does something evil, every time something bad happens you want God to step in a zapp people with a lightnig bolt? You want God to stop all evil? OK, how about He starts with you? I don't think He likes being refered to a a "lazy peice of monkey crap", zapp your gone. How about He starts with any one of us? All of us have failed the standard of perfect good God intended.
While God could do that, He chose to create man with free will. Were God to act in the manner you discribe he would be overiding our free will, while this is possible it is not possible to have free will in that kind of universe. With no free will we would be unable to experience the higher emotions like love. Love by its very nature must be freely chosen, you want a world were God stops all evil, but in the process you would be creating a world full of robots, unable to experience love.
As far as God doing something praise worthy, He did send His Son to die for our sins, giving us the gift of redemption.
You sound like an athiest who doesn't believe in God because he hates God. But hatred of God still affirms His existence.
At Mon Mar 20, 08:04:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Sorry jdave, I had to delete that comment. Please feel free to re-post the jist of it, but be careful how you say it. I could not condone having the type of blasphemous commentary here that you posted.
In response to your comments...
Psalm 110:1 - "The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.'"
"Why do the nations rage?
Why do the people waste their time with futile plans?
The kings of the earth prepare for battle;
the rulers plot together against the LORD
and against his anointed one.
"Let us break their chains," they cry,
"and free ourselves from this slavery."
But the one who rules in heaven laughs.
The Lord scoffs at them.
Then in anger he rebukes them,
terrifying them with his fierce fury.
For the LORD declares, "I have placed my chosen king on the throne
in Jerusalem, my holy city."
The king proclaims the LORD's decree: "The LORD said to me, `You are my son.
Today I have become your Father.
Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance,
the ends of the earth as your possession.
You will break them with an iron rod
and smash them like clay pots.' "
Now then, you kings, act wisely!
Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
Serve the LORD with reverent fear,
and rejoice with trembling.
Submit to God's royal son, or he will become angry,
and you will be destroyed in the midst of your pursuits -
for his anger can flare up in an instant.
But what joy for all who find protection in him!"
Psalm 2:1-12
At Tue Mar 21, 11:42:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
jdave34 said...
Really, what's the point in me posting any further if I can't express myself with the words I want to use.
I'm not going to sit here and self censor according to what one person decides is blasphemous.
It's a shame that in your evangilecal fervor to spread your truth, you would deny someone else the right to speak theirs.
No better than the Mullahs screaming about cartoons if you ask me.
And Ryan, I dare God, if he is indeed so high and mighty, to smite me by whatever means he sees fit. My personal preference would be lightning bolt. I'm calling him out. God, you, in all your incarnations, are nothing but an egotistical, self impressed, negligent deadbeat deity. Further to that, you are indeed [EDITED] for sitting on your butt while millions suffer.
And on another matter, you mention God giving humans free will, to do as they see fit. If that's the case, then why do his so-called followers wish to deny a women's right to do what she chooses with her body? Is this not an example of the free will God blessed us with? When you actively try to deny a woman her free choice, do you not go against the intentions of god?
And I don't hate God, and I'm not an atheist. I just wish he'd either show up and make his intentions clear and consistent to everyone, or he can [EDITED] - "get lost" once and for all so that people will stop killing each other over conflicting ideas about what our loving and merciful god wants.
ANd CC, anytime He wants to come on down with his 'fierce fury' (sounds like a pornstar name to me...) He's more than welcome. He knows where I live.
Either way, this will be the last temporary post I make here on this subject. Apparently there are rules, and if you don't show the same reverence and fawning admiration for dude upstairs that CC does, you're toast.
God gave man free will, this blog takes it
You can go back to agreeing with each other now.
At Tue Mar 21, 11:43:00 a.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
jdave, I will pray for your protection and salvation.
At Tue Mar 21, 12:27:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
I also do all those things already jdave...
Quite frankly, if those "words" had been directed at another person, I likely would have left them alone. I appreciated the "substance" of the posts, which is why I reposted an edited version of your last one. It was solely because those "words" were directed at the Most Holy God Himself that I chose to take action. I can take personal attacks, but launch one against my Lord and my God, and I'll respond.
If we don't see you again, thanks for your contributions.
At Tue Mar 21, 01:16:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I can take personal attacks, but launch one against my Lord and my God, and I'll respond."
As I said in another Comment, I'm pretty sure that God can defend Himself if He so desires, He doesn't need us to do it for Him. :)
At Tue Mar 21, 08:07:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I not sure what you expected when you started commenting on a Christian blog. Did you think that no one would stand up for their faith?
Good luck out there man.
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