Did Harper know?
Wow... maybe there WAS a good reason to poach Emerson from the Liberals. Looks like he knew about a deal in the works regarding the solution of the softwood lumber issue... that was ready MONTHS AGO. Apparently, Emerson indicated that he felt the deal wasn't good enough, thus, it was delayed. Now, HE gets to "fix it", and the Tories get to solve one MAJOR issue right out of the gate!
Word is that the former PMO had reasons to have the deal delayed... REASONS THAT ONLY WOULD HELP THE LIBERAL PARTY, NOT CANADA. Can you imagine... the Liberal Party of Canada sitting on the softwood lumber issue, just so they could use the US and George W. Bush as a punching bag during an election?
Yea, I thought so, I can imagine them doing that too. Looks like it may have backfired HUGE, with Emerson taking it as a gift to PM Stephen Harper.
UPDATE: Looks like one reader of Small Dead Animals privately made this point to Kate:
Word is that the former PMO had reasons to have the deal delayed... REASONS THAT ONLY WOULD HELP THE LIBERAL PARTY, NOT CANADA. Can you imagine... the Liberal Party of Canada sitting on the softwood lumber issue, just so they could use the US and George W. Bush as a punching bag during an election?
Yea, I thought so, I can imagine them doing that too. Looks like it may have backfired HUGE, with Emerson taking it as a gift to PM Stephen Harper.
UPDATE: Looks like one reader of Small Dead Animals privately made this point to Kate:
Hey, the liberal supportors of Vancourver-Kingsway voted for the liberal (corrupt) party and voted in Mr. Emerson. Right. So why are they so upset that the person they voted in, who ran for a corrupt party, would double cross them by crossing the imaginary floor to serve as a CONSERVATIVE. Got what you deserved baby. Good for you!!!GREAT OBSERVATION! Now, therefore, you can think of Emerson's defection as an act of repentance!
They certainly double-crossed taxpayers often enough. It might have been a clue.
At Thu Feb 09, 11:29:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Lots of hullaballoo about the surprising state of Canadian politics of late?
Sure as hell looks like the Griftin' Grits got a little complacent this past time out.
Whenever they would invite the Tories to a knowck-down drag-out brawl, the Tories just kept on showing up with their version of brass knucks and a pocket knife.
The problem always seemed to be that the Fiberals seemed to neglect pointing out, or the Conservatives failed to comprehend, that the nature of the scrap was more along the lines of a gun-fight, sort of a shoot-out at the Bytown corral.
Not THIS time buckaroos.
There's a new gunslinger in town. Everyone used to laugh at him whenever he'd step into the arena, 'cause he's been known to wear undersized leather vests and smallish looking stetsons (both -- black.)
So the new top-gun is in town, and he's taking charge: kickin' butt,takin' names, filling the air with hot shooting.
The most surprised are the bad-guy libs and their obsequiesce camp followers, 'cause nobody's ever had the bloody temerity to shoot back at them before.
This time, it's serious -- and this time it's not for the squeamish and second-guessing nervous nellies. Get onside, or get off the battle-field, pilgrim.
Keep your eye clear and your powder dry!
With lotsa love and warm fuzzies~
Waterloo, Ontario
At Thu Feb 09, 11:46:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Emerson is a prize for HArper? ha ha ha You're a partisan idiot.
HArper screwed Dianne Ablonzy.
Besides I thought you guys would never associate with Liberals. And now you have one in cabinet.
Add in the crony appointment of Fortier, the O'Conner lobbyist fiasco and senate appointments and you have a train wreck on the first day on the job.
HArper is more brazen than the Liberals ever were.
At Thu Feb 09, 11:49:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Yes Harper is bold...very different than Dithers. Is this what has everyone so rattled? ...that he has long term plans and is decisive.And that things are changing.VF
At Thu Feb 09, 12:05:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
How is this changing? Stronach is offered a cabinet post for switching sides at an opportune time, the liberals nominate senators. Emerson is offered a cabinet post for switching sides at an opportune time, the conservatives nominate senators. At least liberals never SAID they were going to start electing senators, they always said 'not bloody likely' (in other words at least they were honest in that)
Most of the cabinet have at least one percieved conflict of interest, others like Clement were complete train wrecks in their provincial duties and are rewarded for thier incompetence.
Meanwhile, tried and true conservatives who work their asses off and many who have served longer than Harper in Parliament are completely ignored for people whose experience comes from provincial politics, are liberals, or have lost more elections than can be counted but are handed senate appointments anyway.
Lord if they get any more 'different' up on Parliament Hill I won't know which party I voted for anymore!
At Thu Feb 09, 02:57:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
We don't know ANYTHING about softwood lumber. We know what some people SAY. When there is ink on a paper and some of those billions are paid back to canadians THEN we'll know there was a deal.
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