SSM - The Campaign Begins
Here we go. "Stephen Harper would Roll Back Charter Rights" shouts the Liberal main webpage.
I really hope this is a hail Mary pass that removes the "Hidden Agenda" card. Of course, I support this idea, however, I don't know if it was the right foot to start on.
The MSM treated it fairly lightly today. Let's see if the Liberals can make it an issue, or if Mr. Harper did the right thing and got it out of the way right off the bat.
I really hope this is a hail Mary pass that removes the "Hidden Agenda" card. Of course, I support this idea, however, I don't know if it was the right foot to start on.
The MSM treated it fairly lightly today. Let's see if the Liberals can make it an issue, or if Mr. Harper did the right thing and got it out of the way right off the bat.
At Wed Nov 30, 09:08:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The question is, how likely is the Conservative party to actually get rid of same-sex marriage? If there's any chance at all then we have to do anything we can to make sure the Conservatives don't win (we don't need a socially backwards party running Canada), even if it means voting Liberal. The Conservatives might be better with fiscal issues, but the liberals are the social conscience of the country (note the lower case on "liberals" as that includes the NDP and any other liberal citizens).
All IMHO of course.
At Wed Nov 30, 10:32:00 a.m. EST,
Brian Nash said…
I would question who is actually socially backwards a party that allows it's members to vote for what they morrally believe without recourse or a party that expects you to tow the party line no matter how much it plays against your morals or face threat of censure or expluslionm liek teh Liberals and the NDP.
Also people need to remember Stephen Harper's believes are in keeping with teh Canadian Constitution which states that this country was found upon the Supremacy of God where as the otehr parties seem to have thrown this essential part of the make up of teh country out teh windo to do what they believe is politically expedient.
BTW upwards of 65% of Canadians must be Socially Backward since more than 65% of Canadians oppose same sex marriage. As well you talk about the Liberals and NDP having a social conscience.
Is this teh same Social conscience that allows an unborn baby to be killed 8 months after conception but if you dare wait 2 years and spank the same child you must be evil?
At Wed Nov 30, 10:51:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I would question who is actually socially backwards a party that allows it's members to vote for what they morrally believe without recourse"
Well, if the party members were to vote to recall women's rights or racial equality we'd all (hopefully) consider them to be socially and morally backwards. Some members just haven't caught up yet with what is right and still believe same-sex marriage to be a problem.
"Also people need to remember Stephen Harper's believes are in keeping with teh Canadian Constitution which states that this country was found upon the Supremacy of God"
The Constitution might say that but it doesn't say that we are governed by any particular religion or denomination, and many of us believe that God is all for equality and not against same-sex marriage anyway. I personally believe 100% in the sovereignty of God but I also believe that He is against religion, particularly conservative religion.
"BTW upwards of 65% of Canadians must be Socially Backward since more than 65% of Canadians oppose same sex marriage."
You got it, just as many were socially and morally backwards when they believed whites to be superior to other races or men to be superior to women.
"Is this teh same Social conscience that allows an unborn baby to be killed 8 months after conception but if you dare wait 2 years and spank the same child you must be evil?"
Could be, although I would personally prefer abortion only be allowable during the first trimester.
At Wed Nov 30, 11:10:00 a.m. EST,
Brian Nash said…
"I personally believe 100% in the sovereignty of God but I also believe that He is against religion, particularly conservative religion."
Hmm so you believe the God of the Bible is against the Bible very bizarre than why would he have written it?
"You got it, just as many were socially and morally backwards when they believed whites to be superior to other races or men to be superior to women."
Being a woman or being of a certain ethnic background is not a choice like homosexuality is, as well I don't believe they are inferior I believe that marriage was instituted by God and should only be administered by the church, if I was Gay and denying teh authority of God and his word why would I want to participate in one of his institutions?
"Could be, although I would personally prefer abortion only be allowable during the first trimester. "
So you believe it is ok to kill just has to be under a certain age, so whyy make that the first tri-mester why not make it under the age of 99.
At Wed Nov 30, 12:15:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"Hmm so you believe the God of the Bible is against the Bible very bizarre than why would he have written it?"
No, I just think you are reading it wrong, but this is not the place for a theological debate so email me if you want to get into that (again, my address is at the bottom of my website which you can get to by clicking on my name above).
"Being a woman or being of a certain ethnic background is not a choice like homosexuality is"
If you think that people choose whom they are attracted to you have some other issues to deal with. :)
"I believe that marriage was instituted by God and should only be administered by the church"
Well, in that case I assume that any civil marriage not administered by the Church (which Church are you refering to here anyway?) is not considered valid by you so it shouldn't matter what the government does as far as marriage goes.
"So you believe it is ok to kill just has to be under a certain age, so whyy make that the first tri-mester why not make it under the age of 99."
To everything there is a season, even a time to kill. But if you really want to discuss abortion send me an email.
At Wed Nov 30, 02:45:00 p.m. EST,
Brian Nash said…
"Well, in that case I assume that any civil marriage not administered by the Church (which Church are you refering to here anyway?) is not considered valid by you so it shouldn't matter what the government does as far as marriage goes."
I see them as civil unions not marriages. And the church is any regligious organization. I think if they do it invalidly then they will be held accountable to God.
"No, I just think you are reading it wrong" The Bible is very clear about homosexuality, and how it is an abomination to the lord.
"If you think that people choose whom they are attracted to you have some other issues to deal with. :)" Actually I don't have issues Homosecuality is a choice, it is not genetic (if it was genetic who would pass on the genes) It is simply a rebellion against God, it is Sin, everyperson is born with sin in their heart. it is a matter on whether you choose to act upon it.
You suggest discussing theology with you seeing as theology means the "study or knowledge of God" and seeing as you lack this and will not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice it would probably be a wasted endeavour on my part
At Wed Nov 30, 04:21:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"I see them as civil unions not marriages. And the church is any regligious organization."
Interesting. I see the Church as the invisible body of Christ, although it does congregate in individual, local assemblies.
"I think if they do it invalidly then they will be held accountable to God."
I'd say we likely differ on our views of grace and law, but such is life.
"You suggest discussing theology with you seeing as theology means the "study or knowledge of God" and seeing as you lack this and will not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice it would probably be a wasted endeavour on my part"
Your choice, I can agree to disagree. I don't have perfect knowledge of God, but I disagree that I completely lack knowledge of God. But you are, of course, allowed to believe whatever you want.
At Wed Nov 30, 07:22:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Right on Drew! I cannot believe people actually think that gays would choose to be so nastily discriminated against as they have been for years in society. Who would "choose" that? So many people of this mindset are divorced and live in adultery daily in Gods eyes....yet love to throw stones!!
At Thu Dec 01, 10:43:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Exactly Karen. If someone was so desperate to "rebel against God" they'd find an easier way to do it. Since so many homosexuals try their hardest to become straight and can't (even with the so-called "help" of such organizations as Exodus International) I'm far from convinced it's a choice. I recommend the book "Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth" by Wayne R. Besen for a good look at this subject.
As for me, I'm sticking with love, grace and compassion as Jesus lived and taught.
At Sun Dec 04, 07:12:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It has been almost a week since a reporter asked Stephen Harper about SSM...and I keep reading the comment "Stephen Harper brought up the issue of SSM". So what is this about...he responded honestly,and discussed using Parliamentary procedure. The people who are upset are the ones who want a lier to be PM.They are happier having a 'representative' in Ottawa who toes the party line, instead of representing them. SSM has always been a distraction tool used by the manipulative Liberal Party.VF
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