"Lies, smears and falsehoods?"
Scott Reid, what rock have you been living under? He calls Mr. Harper's "organized crime" comments "Lies, smears, and falsehoods", and that his comments in the House went too far. I don't think Mr. Harper's comments went to far at all. I'll admit, when I first heard it (I was watching live) I wondered what he was talking about... but then, based on the RCMP definition of a "criminal organization", it looks like the shoe fits! Now, the Federal Liberals don't want to wear it, but that's their problem.
This whole thing reminded of the "Open Mic" episode of the West Wing. (CTV, PLEASE BRING IT BACK!) The President was doing a series of remote interviews by camera. After each news station got their turn, the news anchors, while off air, would try to get him to comment on something or other. After the last interview, President Bartlet was asked to comment on a challenger, and used a gun metaphor to describe his opponent. (it was something like "He's like a BB gun trying to compete in a 57 Magnum world") His staff noticed at the last second that the line was still live. The episode then takes us through the world of spin, as the White House goes into damage control mode. At the end of the episode, the President's communications chief asked him, "Mr. President, we've managed to dodge this bullet, but because of it, the entire country is now questioning the capability of your opponent." Then, with a sly smile, she asks, "Is it just possible that you knew that your mic was still live?" The President does not reply, but there is a distinct gleam in his eye. CJ, the Communications Chief, smiles and says to him, "That was old school sir."
Yes indeed, Mr. Harper, that was old school. Yes, the Liberals are trying the lawyer route, but if Mr. Harper holds his ground and enough people start talking about what defines a "criminal organization", then this could end up being an old school shot that starts the Conservatives out on good footing.
This whole thing reminded of the "Open Mic" episode of the West Wing. (CTV, PLEASE BRING IT BACK!) The President was doing a series of remote interviews by camera. After each news station got their turn, the news anchors, while off air, would try to get him to comment on something or other. After the last interview, President Bartlet was asked to comment on a challenger, and used a gun metaphor to describe his opponent. (it was something like "He's like a BB gun trying to compete in a 57 Magnum world") His staff noticed at the last second that the line was still live. The episode then takes us through the world of spin, as the White House goes into damage control mode. At the end of the episode, the President's communications chief asked him, "Mr. President, we've managed to dodge this bullet, but because of it, the entire country is now questioning the capability of your opponent." Then, with a sly smile, she asks, "Is it just possible that you knew that your mic was still live?" The President does not reply, but there is a distinct gleam in his eye. CJ, the Communications Chief, smiles and says to him, "That was old school sir."
Yes indeed, Mr. Harper, that was old school. Yes, the Liberals are trying the lawyer route, but if Mr. Harper holds his ground and enough people start talking about what defines a "criminal organization", then this could end up being an old school shot that starts the Conservatives out on good footing.
At Sat Nov 26, 12:20:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It is ridiculous for HArper to suggest that the mafia is involved. This will backfire on him.
At Sat Nov 26, 12:31:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
organized crime = mafia???? perhaps you should check the RCMP definition of "oranized crime"
At Sat Nov 26, 01:30:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I agree. Good strategy. The media is all over this and so Adscam and corruption stay on the front page.
I wonder if Harper isn't hoping the Liberals will bite and sue. That way he can go to court and bring out a lot of stuff that wasn't part of the Sponsorship investigation.
My bet is the Liberals will never sue. they are afraid the whole truth would come out and important people would go to jail.
At Sat Nov 26, 01:59:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Off topic but...
Ken Dryden's (Child Care) Liberal way...!
1. Announce 5 Billion dollars for child care...
2. Build or buy or lease (from loyal liberal) office building in Ottawa...
3. Populate building with loyal liberals, friends and family...
4. Demand provinces do the same...
5. Demand no choice for women, it's the liberal way or the highway...
...NOTE:...(unless you want an abortion...THEN IT REALLY IS YOUR CHOICE)...
6. Denounce all who disagree...
After the provinces get around to
...NOTE:...(All federal programs have been ELEVEN-PLICATED nation wide)...
I suspect there will be around 5 million left to give to needy mothers looking for child care...
Why can't they just distribute the money through the baby bonus system...
which wouldn't cost anything...
All 5 billion would get to the mothers that need it, and (THEY) could..(CHOOSE).. the kind of child care that best suits them...!!!
Silly me...but then Ken's sister in-law's uncle won't get his job for life...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
William Wylie..Ajax, Ont.
At Sat Nov 26, 09:14:00 p.m. EST,
Lord Kitchener's Own said…
Does no one remember "the Liberals support child pornography"?
Remember how well that worked? Everyone back then said that it was great, because it would keep the Liberals' (supposedly) soft stance on child porn in the news. But all anyone remembers now is "angry Tories" making "wild accusations".
And while we're on generalizations... if it's OK to say "the Liberals" are involved with organized crime, is it also OK to say "the Conservatives" want to ban abortion? Because I'd imagine there are more Tories who want to ban abortion than there are Liberals involoved in organized crime.
At Sun Nov 27, 12:04:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Well..leave it to a Lib to bring up a smoke screen issue like Conservatives being anti abortion. In case you haven't noticed Lord Kitchener Mr. Harper is very concerned about the corruption in the Liberal party,and because of that corruption they cannot be trusted to lead the government. And the comment from W. Wylie explains why we can not trust Liberals,especially with a Daycare program. They will take away parents CHOICES(don't believe me? read kidsfirst.org )and waste millions of my money. That program especially boils my blood because I was a stay at home mom (by CHOICE)and know many parents who would like to be able to have one parent stay home with the kids if our tax system was more fair.That would be their CHOICE if one spouse could claim the other as a "dependent" (oops ...politically incorrect word!)
"anonymous" that made the mafia comment was joking...right?
At Sun Nov 27, 12:29:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Back to "lies, smears and falsehoods"( the real ones)
Isn't anyone going to warn Phil Fontaine? Maybe Bono and Jack Layton should tell him what happens when PMPM makes 'promises'
I've been looking in the blogs for some comments on this...anyone out there picking up on this?
At Sun Nov 27, 09:38:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
I agree that the current Liberal administration needs a good cleaning out, but the Liberals have done some good. They did legalize gay marriage across the country this year, and for that alone I would vote for them if they were the only party running against the Conservatives. But first we need to replace most of them. :)
At Mon Nov 28, 01:47:00 p.m. EST,
Brian Nash said…
Well the legalization of something as immorral as same sex marriage is to me a reason to stay as far away from the Liberals as possible
At Tue Nov 29, 11:08:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Fair enough, we all have our opinions. I suspect that those who are dead set against gay marriage are in danger of judgement, but then I'll leave that between you and God. :)
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