Why McGuinty is so popular
He actually listens to local issues, and deals with them.
(Don't get me wrong... I really wish he wasn't in power right now. He lied to us, and his tax increases cost me more than all of the reductions I received during the supposedly horrible Harris years... sigh...)
The issue of water taking has been a big one in the KW area, with Nestle holding permits to take up to 4.7 million litres of water PER DAY (that's 9.4 million of those little bottles, for which they typically sell for a buck a piece) from the local aquifers... essentially FOR FREE, presently only having to pay their own costs, with no compensation to the province or the local economy.
Now, you all know I'm no eco-nut, but even I can see that this isn't sustainable. Personally, I think it's unethical... making a huge profit on a vital resource that costs them nothing. I'm all for capitalism, but I recognize that we need to be responsible with what we've been blessed with.
Therefore, I say it's about time that Mr. McGuinty stepped up on this file. Charging a nominal fee for the water is more than reasonable. In fact, I think that the McGuinty government should have reduced the amount that Nestle is authorized to draw... a position which is held by many on the both the right and the left in the Tri-Cities area.
So, I have to begrudgingly tip my hat to the Premier on this move... he's got my support on it.
For the record... it's moves like this that will ensure that Mr. Tory will never be Premier of this province. (that, and the fact that Mr. Tory and his people arrogantly refused to listen to the 33.1% of us who are still sitting on the sidelines... but that's another story. By the way John, you still haven't taken me up on my offer... you've got my number, call me)
At Fri Apr 25, 10:35:00 a.m. EDT,
Neo Conservative said…
an alternative theory... people are sheep.
At Fri Apr 25, 11:16:00 a.m. EDT,
wilson said…
Being from Alberta, I spend NO time watching Ontario politics. But I did catch one of his speeches, can't remember which one.
Anyways, I thought,
wow, I could vote for this guy.
I don't know what it is, but Dalton has it.
Is he being groomed for fed Lib leader?
At Fri Apr 25, 01:26:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Just to let you know you have your figures wrong. It's 3.6 million liters a days.... not insignificant until you consider what the city takes and what the local gravel pits take.
If the govt is going to charge Nestle for its taking will they have to charge the city of Guelph as well? Don't know just asking.
By the way I just saw cases of 24 X 500mL bottles in HD for $2.99.
The Merc reports that 15% of what the city takes is wasted via leaky pipes. You do the math...
Please give a thought to the 300 jobs at Aberfoyle and those families. If you propose killing those jobs at least get all the facts straight.
If one wants to stop bottled water the tack would be to deal with the demand side and that would solve your resumed problem.
Urge you to use some critical thinking before you drinking all the WWW's bottled propoganda.
At Fri Apr 25, 02:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
It's 4.7 million... you're refering only to the Aberfoyle operation, not their combined operations.
As for the jobs, for sure I give thought to them... I'm just saying that Nestle shouldn't be allowed to take all that water, and make a profit on it, for free.
I'm sure they can afford to pay up to $0.01 per litre... which translates to $0.12 per 24 case, which you just bought for $2.99.
And the price the end up paying will likely be even less than that... the first number proposed so far as a floor number is $3.50 per MILLION litres.
Of course, if they were selling the water at prices like $1.99 a case, or $0.50 a bottle in the stores, there likely wouldn't be the same sort of support for this idea as there is in the public right now.
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