Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Calling all bloggers for comment

Interesting story from various sources today... First there was "Tory MPs rebel against Prime Minister's Office control", then "Backbench revolt the closest thing to a revolution Harper’s seen yet", and now "Conservative caucus mutiny".

Fellow bloggers, DM me (@ChristianConsrv) if you'd like to chat... or you can e-mail me at cc[at]christianconservative[dot]ca as well, or look me up on Facebook.

Seems we have a lot to discuss...

Monday, March 25, 2013


Well, looks like it's official... you'll notice the changes in my template.