Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


WOW... just possibly THE BEST political ad I've ever seen!!! Way to go CPC!!!

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  • At Tue Apr 05, 02:54:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Foxtrot Bravo said…

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it's the best ad ever, but it is a good positive message and reinforces many of the campaigns main themes without yelling at the other side.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 02:55:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Jeff said…

    It sounds like they took the voiceover from one of the Prime Minister's speeches. Very, very effective!

  • At Tue Apr 05, 02:57:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The best Prime Minister Canada has had in decades. Decent, honest,family man, who works in the interests of CANADIANS. I hope voters give the PM the majority he has earned ,so we can continue to move forward, as being the envy of the world.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 02:58:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Canada is all those things despite the Conservatives. Their playing up of patriotism is pathetic, American like.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 02:59:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just saw the ad on YouTube and blogged it as well. Awesome ad! I feel proud watching, because it is Canada!!!
    What a great job they did with this one :)

  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:01:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What an amazing ad! Well done!
    God bless Canada and God bless Prime Minister Stephen Harper, his family, and the Conservative Party of Canada!


  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:08:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    With the Liberals that would be biplanes going by.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:14:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    God bless Canada! God keep our land, glorious and free from sea to sea!!!

  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:17:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger wilson said…

    If the media just want to chase Carson-gate and little girls at rally's,
    this is what the CPC should do,
    post EVERY rally on Youtube and let us send the message out.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:17:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger Christian Conservative said…

    Anon@3:08pm - Or Sea Kings... THUD.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 03:26:00 p.m. EDT, Blogger ridenrain said…

    Really good, now push it out there in the media. Even as a radio ad, that would be great.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 04:09:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    why are the media blaming hard working Canadians, who have the difficult job of security for the Prime Minister of Canada, for doing their job?
    this goes beyond the realm of decency
    great ad

  • At Tue Apr 05, 04:44:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm not really impressed with it, sorry. It will wear thin quickly.

    To really make your day, though, consider this swing at DeathStar 2011 - The Red Book menace:

  • At Tue Apr 05, 05:04:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Jen said…

    While the PM and conservatives are working for canada and canadians. The liberals have bashed insulted canada while overseas.

    The msm are not interested if we are the best. Liberals are their main concern not their canada.

    CC, great ad.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 09:09:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Haha best commercial the conservatives ever ripped off.

  • At Tue Apr 05, 10:33:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Exweb said…

    @anon@2:58pm -

    Yes, the ad is pretty devastating, isn't it? But bash the Americans - nicely played!

  • At Tue Apr 12, 04:52:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Al_Carlin said…

    Poor poor Liberal and Conservative supporters. You’re both supporting parties with tainted track records. What you are actually arguing is a question of degree as in “how much less corrupted is my party versus the other”. The Green and New Democrat parties aren’t much better because they may seem nice but they just haven’t had the chance to govern yet.

  • At Wed Apr 27, 12:58:00 p.m. EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    'Canada is, and always has been our country'

    Well, not until it was stollen from the Indian people, it was always theirs. last time we checked, Harper was not First Nations. First Nations in this country are in many cases still living in 3rd world conditions. Isolated communities on land the white man doesn't want, schools, medical, clean water, all scarce either lacking altogether, or in a state no mainstream community would accept. But the PM's office thinks that is just fine.


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