Ignatieff DEMANDS funding for murdering foreign babies
As a staunchly pro-life individual, there's really no other way I can "spin" Ignatieff's demands. Who knew the Liberals would sink so low as to advocate the murder of innocents to further their own "political ideology"... which is, ironically, exactly what he was accusing Harper of considering.
UPDATE: One commenter had a very good point, mentioning how Iggy never actually uses the "A" word in his statement. Notice that? Looks like he's trying to take a political shot at Harper, while keeping his hands clean.
Which got me to thinking that once again, Iggy may end up with egg on his face with this stunt. By opening this Pandora's Box within his own ranks, some Liberal MP's are already distancing themselves from Ignatieff on this file.
Mr. Harper now has the golden opportunity of coming out with a stellar overall health aid package... one that addresses some of the more immediate needs of children and mothers around the world like food, water, medicine, and access to health care workers. With the massive scope of issues there are to deal with, all Harper has to do is address urgent and real needs, and avoid reproductive issues altogether. How can the Liberals oppose that?
Of course, that will hopefully leave the media to question why Iffy tried to play the old abortion "fear" card to score cheap points. Hopefully, they'll rightly take him to task for trying to play politics and score points with such a serious international health issue. (if they even bother, mind you... though I'm not holding my breath)
Yep, it looks like Iggy tried moving his rook, and left his Queen WIDE OPEN for Prime Minister "Chessmaster".
UPDATE II: My level of respect for Liberal MP Paul Szabo just went up a few notches...
Include abortion in maternal-health pledge,On an interesting note, Mr. Ignatieff better watch where he steps on this file... as some members of his own Party will break ranks with him if it comes down to a vote, that much is sure.
Michael Ignatieff tells PM
Jane Taber - Tuesday, February 2, 2010 3:57 PM
Michael Ignatieff warned Stephen Harper today not to play “ideological games” with women’s health, suggesting the Prime Minister’s new commitment should extend to abortion programs.
“Let’s keep the ideology out of this and move forward,” said the Liberal leader at an afternoon press conference.
UPDATE: One commenter had a very good point, mentioning how Iggy never actually uses the "A" word in his statement. Notice that? Looks like he's trying to take a political shot at Harper, while keeping his hands clean.
Which got me to thinking that once again, Iggy may end up with egg on his face with this stunt. By opening this Pandora's Box within his own ranks, some Liberal MP's are already distancing themselves from Ignatieff on this file.
Mr. Harper now has the golden opportunity of coming out with a stellar overall health aid package... one that addresses some of the more immediate needs of children and mothers around the world like food, water, medicine, and access to health care workers. With the massive scope of issues there are to deal with, all Harper has to do is address urgent and real needs, and avoid reproductive issues altogether. How can the Liberals oppose that?
Of course, that will hopefully leave the media to question why Iffy tried to play the old abortion "fear" card to score cheap points. Hopefully, they'll rightly take him to task for trying to play politics and score points with such a serious international health issue. (if they even bother, mind you... though I'm not holding my breath)
Yep, it looks like Iggy tried moving his rook, and left his Queen WIDE OPEN for Prime Minister "Chessmaster".
UPDATE II: My level of respect for Liberal MP Paul Szabo just went up a few notches...
LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) contacted several pro-life Liberal members for their comments. Liberal MP Paul Szabo says he was caught off guard by the announcement, noting that the subject was not even raised during the caucus meetingA memo to the Conservative National Council... our candidate in Missassauga South better be pro-life, cause if you're planning to take this guy out in the next election, I might personally back Szabo. Just food for thought.
“The full day was on CIDA issues,” he said. “I sat there all day long, the subject wasn’t discussed.”
Disputing Ignatieff’s claim of consensus, Szabo said, “I am a pro-life MP and there are many of my colleagues in the Liberal caucus who will protect the unborn in their decisions as Parliamentarians, and should matters come before the House they will continue to act accordingly.”
Szabo said it was “opportunistic” of the Women’s Caucus of the Liberals to use something as important as maternal health to push their pro-abortion agenda.
“I don’t think this is Liberal Party position,” he concluded, “it was never discussed with the caucus and the caucus never had an opportunity to express its views.”
At Wed Feb 03, 11:41:00 a.m. EST,
Bruce said…
As a Christian , I strongly support Mr. Ignatieff's urging. Our world is already over poulated. We need to conserve our resources. There are many cases where abortion is an appropriate remedy. Better abortion than a slow death of both mother and child from starvation and disease.
At Wed Feb 03, 11:42:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Wow. The depths you can sink to in order to cram your religious nonsense down our throats knows no end. Let's get serious. Liberals demand funding to murder foreign babies? Unbelievable hyperbole.
We know that women's issues aren't on the CPC radar and the ranks of the religious right (dicks like you) will surely contribute to Harper's final ousting from office. It can't come soon enough.
At Wed Feb 03, 11:59:00 a.m. EST,
Joanne (True Blue) said…
Paul Szabo has already spoken out against Mr. Iffy on this file.
At Wed Feb 03, 12:06:00 p.m. EST,
Bert said…
Right on CC. Couldn't have said it better myself.
At Wed Feb 03, 12:37:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon, when it comes to the cold and heartless murder of tens of thousands of innocent children, I really don't care what names you call me.
FACT: Mr. Ignatieff is requesting that Canadian tax dollars should be used to fund abortions in other countries.
FACT: Abortion stops a beating heart, which means a once living human being is now DEAD.
THEREFORE, Mr. Ignatieff's request, when taken to its logical conclusion, means that he's in favour of funding programs abroad that kill unborn children.
We're not talking about removing some cancerous tumor or parasite here... WE'RE TALKING ABOUT RIPPING A HUMAN BEING OUT OF A WOMB. How is it that our society has become so debased that we can devalue our own children to the point of death?
At Wed Feb 03, 12:43:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
"As a Christian..."
Dugal, an honest question for you, not trying to be snarky... based on your views on this issue, what do you think then of Psalm 139:13-18?
"For You formed my inward parts;
You wove me in my mother’s womb.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;
Your eyes have seen my unformed substance;
And in Your book were all written
The days that were ordained for me,
When as yet there was not one of them.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with You."
David here leads us to understand that even within the womb, every life is under the watchful eye of the Almighty God... as such, how can we treat what He values with such contempt, that we label it a "choice"?
At Wed Feb 03, 12:52:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"that we label it a "choice"?"
I've always wondered. Unless a woman was raped or a victom of incest, how did she not have a "choice?"
At Wed Feb 03, 01:13:00 p.m. EST,
frmgrl said…
To the pro-choicers (pro-deathers is I what call them) go and watch this from a former planned parenthood director.
At Wed Feb 03, 01:31:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon@12:52pm, I heard one preacher put it this way... "Yes, I am pro-choice... in the bedroom, NOT afterwards."
At Wed Feb 03, 02:28:00 p.m. EST,
Top Can said…
Hey CC,
I just thought of something interesting in relation to what you said about "innocent babies." In Genesis, Adam and Eve's rebellion against God led to original sin; all sin is passed down from Adam, as I learned in my church, even babies are not innocent. Babies unfortunately are born into sin, and can only be redeemed if they accept the Lord, right? So how could they be innocent as you say?
I'm not using this as a justification for Ignatieff. This is simply a theological question.
At Wed Feb 03, 02:36:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
It is quite a stunning statement from Iggy.
It is telling that he himself doesn't use the A word.He is either too ashamed or afraid to do so.
Does the "..full range of contraceptive options .."include tubal ligation? Vasectomies?
Is the policy for the Liberal party now that any aid must include these services or Canada will not contribute?
At Wed Feb 03, 02:47:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Sorry TCH, but there's NO WAY I'm going to post those links. If anyone's interested, I'm sure they can find that sort of thing for themselves.
This is one issue that I'm not willing to budge on, and therefore I won't post commentary from the "other side". I hope you can understand on this one.
At Wed Feb 03, 02:56:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Hey Top Can, theological questions always welcome!
That's a tricky one, but you'll have to settle for my poor answer... as I understand it, while they may be deemed "guilty" by way of "original sin", a baby will not have in and of themselves conciously "sinned" against God. As such, as He is indeed Loving and Forgiving, and as the Lord Jesus Christ dealt with the "sin" question overall, His sacrifice is sufficient to cover their "guilt by association" in Adam, if you will.
Some deem this concept the "Age of Accountability". Not much I can give you in terms of chapter and verse, but it does make sense in my mind with what I know of our Loving Heavenly Father.
Now, taken a step too far, some will try to make the case that Christ's sacrifice covered all sin, and that as such all mankind will eventually be redeemed, however that's a theory I reject, based on the multiplicity of verses we have in the Bible where mankind is called to "repentance" and "faith"... which are active decisions of the will, and not just something that the unrepentant will eventually inherit, no matter what they've done.
Sorry TCH, figured I'd deal with that one before you raised it... and skip the comment on that one too, though feel free to discuss the "age of accountabitity" concept... or correct me if need be ;-)
At Wed Feb 03, 03:02:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Anon@2:36pm, very true... Iffy may end up with egg on his face with this one, opening a Pandora's Box within his own ranks, with some MP's already distancing themselves on this file.
Meanwhile Harper has the chance to come out with a stellar overall health aid package that simply avoids reproductive issues altogether.
That will leave the media to questioning why Iffy tried to bring up the old abortion "fear" card in the first place, and rightly take him to task for trying to play politics with a serious international health issue.
At Wed Feb 03, 03:26:00 p.m. EST,
Drew Costen said…
Sorry TCH, but there's NO WAY I'm going to post those links. If anyone's interested, I'm sure they can find that sort of thing for themselves.
This is one issue that I'm not willing to budge on, and therefore I won't post commentary from the "other side". I hope you can understand on this one.
No I don't understand, nor do I consider that acceptable if you expect people to dialogue with you publicly. I don't agree with your censorship of language but I tolerate it, but to censor links to information from the opposing point of view in a public discussion means there's no point in continuing dialoguing with you here (and are you so afraid of letting people read every perspective and decide for themselves? Nobody's going to confuse the link for your personal point of view). I don't care how much I disagree with a point of view, I would never censor a link to an opposing viewpoint on my blog.
Sorry TCH, figured I'd deal with that one before you raised it... and skip the comment on that one too, though feel free to discuss the "age of accountabitity" concept... or correct me if need be
I've got a post on my blog about why non-Universalist Christians should be pro-abortion because of the age of accountability (I hope you'll allow this link): The Evangelical Abortion Inconsistency, but unless you can give a great excuse for what I consider to be unforgivable (but very consistent for a conservative) censorship I'm done discussing things here.
At Wed Feb 03, 03:59:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
I've said it pretty clearly before... while discussion of political issues from every POV is welcome, I won't post what I consider to be heresy.
If I post an opposing political view and I lose a voter for my Party, I can live with that. However, I cannot in good concience willingly participate in helping damn a soul to Hell for all eternity because they got screwed up theologically through something I allowed on my blog.
TCH, I watched you slowly fall off the deep end years ago, and I don't want to be a part of that happening to someone else. And just so you know, I still pray for you every night... without fail, as I have for the last 9+ years.
At Thu Feb 04, 09:28:00 a.m. EST,
Drew Costen said…
I've said it pretty clearly before... while discussion of political issues from every POV is welcome, I won't post what I consider to be heresy.
If I post an opposing political view and I lose a voter for my Party, I can live with that. However, I cannot in good concience willingly participate in helping damn a soul to Hell for all eternity because they got screwed up theologically through something I allowed on my blog.
As someone who believes in predestination (and who doesn't believe in everlasting torment in hell) I can't relate or agree, but if that's something you truly worry about then I sort of understand your motives, though it still kills my desire to dialogue on this blog anymore.
TCH, I watched you slowly fall off the deep end years ago, and I don't want to be a part of that happening to someone else.
If being devoted to knowing the truth and refusing to lie to myself is falling off the deep end then I have no interest in going back to the shallow end.
And just so you know, I still pray for you every night... without fail, as I have for the last 9+ years.
I am touched by this, so thank you.
At Thu Feb 04, 09:56:00 a.m. EST,
Drew Costen said…
Oh, and thanks for posting the link to my blog. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the post sometime if you get the chance.
At Fri Feb 05, 11:27:00 a.m. EST,
maryT said…
Wow. The depths you can sink to in order to cram your non religious nonsense down our throats knows no end.
At Fri Feb 05, 11:21:00 p.m. EST,
Bruce said…
I like the poetry of teh passage quoted. My views are based on the idea of th faithful stewrad who cares for teh earth and is not found wanting.
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