Ex-Liberal to become Tory
PomoChristian, a member of the CPC EDA Board in Joe Commuzzi's riding, has confirmed that the switch will indeed take place.
Always glad to welcome another MP to the good guys side.
However, like I said to PomoChristian, I understand his initial hesitation... if my Liberal MP wanted to switch, I think our board would tell the Party brass that we didn't want them!
Always glad to welcome another MP to the good guys side.
However, like I said to PomoChristian, I understand his initial hesitation... if my Liberal MP wanted to switch, I think our board would tell the Party brass that we didn't want them!
Labels: CPC, Floor Crossing
At Mon Jun 25, 11:32:00 p.m. EDT,
hunter said…
Seems like a great move, everyone seems to think that this government will last until '09, so Comuzzi can help his people by sitting on the government side, and then maybe retire in '09. An intellegent move because he can't help his people much by being an independent. He is also a good fit with the Conservative party, he is definitely more conservative than Garth ever was, or will be.
At Tue Jun 26, 09:43:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I think that the Party would tell your EDA what to do and you would either do it or be replaced.
At Tue Jun 26, 10:15:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
LOL... honestly, I'd like to see them try! My BoD is not a push-over bunch, that's for sure.
At Tue Jun 26, 01:05:00 p.m. EDT,
Brian in Calgary said…
he is definitely more conservative than Garth ever was, or will be
He is also more courteous and considerate. While my preference was that he sit as an Independent until the next election and then run as a Tory, I can see your point, hunter. Also, if he's not going to run again, then my "preference" doesn't make sense.
At Tue Jun 26, 04:05:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Take a look at the CPC Constitution. It has 3 paragraphs dealing with EDA's and two of them mention revoking their status. I'm certain if the National Council said that you take a floor crossing MP, you have to take the floor crossing MP.
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