Warren joins the "Scrap the CRTC" bandwagon
Warren Kinsella, my fave Liberal blogger, has added his voice to those calling for the scrapping of the CRTC... though for reasons different than may of my fellow Blogging Tories.
(For the record, I don't have any opinion on the status of the CRTC)
(For the record, I don't have any opinion on the status of the CRTC)
At Thu Sep 21, 07:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
The CRTC is being used to ban and censor any opinion by Christian's that expose the truth over the recent crusade of Terrorism by Muslims trying to force Shariah-law in non -Islamic Countries.
Dr.Mohammad Elmasry has rabidly campaigned to deny Michael Coren
an income to raise him family , the CIC and now the CAF/Hezbollah-friendly Org. want to have Coren fired and the CRTC ban him from exercising free-speech.
Ironically, free-speech was used by Elmasry while being a Guest on Coren's show where he declare Canadian Palestinian's see all Israeli's over 18 as valid targets for murder by suicide-bombers.
So it's a hell of a nerve for Elmasry to post the attack on Coren to label HIM the Racist as you see below,
Canadian Arab And Islamic Groups Urge CTS Network To Drop Michael Coren Show
The Canadian Islamic Congress and the Canadian Arab Federation have joined to oppose the anti-Muslim / anti-Arab content and tone of the CTS network talk show hosted by Michael Coren, whose recent Toronto Sun editorial advocates launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran.
Both NGOs have sent a letter of protest to CTS management and to the CRTC, Canada’s broadcast governing body, to ask that The Michael Coren Show be dropped.
Coren, who has defended on air his inflammatory Sept. 2 Toronto Sun editorial on "nuking" Iran under the umbrella of democratic free speech, has often drawn harsh criticism from multicultural and social justice organizations for his right wing views and frequent choice of guests who support extreme neo-conservative ideologies.
"What passes for constructive debate and exchange on The Michael Coren Show is often as distant from professional, responsible journalism as a schoolyard brawl in which the bully with the loudest voice and biggest fist 'wins'," today's statement said in part. "Worse yet, the biggest bully is frequently Coren himself, egging on participants that he has personally chosen in order to generate more heat than wisdom on the day's most sensitive and complex topics."
Both the CIC and CAF have denounced Coren's published and broadcast views as repugnant and a mockery of Canada's history as a progressive, multi- ethnic country that advocates peace, justice and fair opportunity for all.
"The Canadian media should be guardians of truth, balance and accuracy in a society that still values civility, and tolerance," the joint statement continued.
"Michael Coren's September 2 editorial did nothing to foster understanding, but instead propagated hate, intolerance, and even genocide ... In print and on air Coren has crossed the line of democratic free speech; he has become a dangerous promoter of hate literature. Canada should not condone such inhumane and barbaric propaganda."
The letter signed by both CAF and CIC was sent to: CTS's Program Manager Rob Sheppard (905) 331-7333, ext. 2236, rsheppard@ctstv.com
Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, CIC's national president
(519) 746-4107 (O)
(519) 498-1350 (Cell)
E-mail: np@canadianislamiccongress.com
Mrs. Wahida Valiante, CIC's national VP
(905) 771-1023
E-mail: nvp@canadianislamiccongress.com
Khaled Mouammar, CAF's president
(416) 879-6766 (Cell)
E-mail: president@caf.ca
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