Though my blog is but a lowly one...

Thanks are due in large part, of course, to The Blogging Tories, with the front page link from Caledonia Wake Up Call this week putting me over the top... with about 1300+ hits this week alone!!!
Actually, some credit is also due to Canadian Cynic, Robert McLeftie, and TorStar's Zerb... when each of them linked to me a while back, they sent a whole ton of traffic over. Thanks guys! (or, as the other CC might say, "snarc") Who knows what my count was before May, when my favorite Liberal-in-Exile(TM) Warren linked to me a couple of times...
Also some props are due to "Club Accountability", which I inadvertantly started... thanks for watching my back guys... I think. ;-)
Thanks to all who have been making this blog a place where ideas can be honestly discussed... and thanks for keeping the language and name-calling to tolerable levels!
The upcoming session of Parliament looks to be shaping up to be an interesting one. When exactly will we go to the polls next? Who knows... stay tuned!

Thanks are due in large part, of course, to The Blogging Tories, with the front page link from Caledonia Wake Up Call this week putting me over the top... with about 1300+ hits this week alone!!!
Actually, some credit is also due to Canadian Cynic, Robert McLeftie, and TorStar's Zerb... when each of them linked to me a while back, they sent a whole ton of traffic over. Thanks guys! (or, as the other CC might say, "snarc") Who knows what my count was before May, when my favorite Liberal-in-Exile(TM) Warren linked to me a couple of times...
Also some props are due to "Club Accountability", which I inadvertantly started... thanks for watching my back guys... I think. ;-)
Thanks to all who have been making this blog a place where ideas can be honestly discussed... and thanks for keeping the language and name-calling to tolerable levels!
The upcoming session of Parliament looks to be shaping up to be an interesting one. When exactly will we go to the polls next? Who knows... stay tuned!
At Thu Sep 07, 11:24:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Can't forget about us Liberal Christians, who logon just to see what kind of hatred you extreme-right wingers are up to now, keeping as many unbelievers away from Christ as possible.
Congrats! It was people like you that kept me hating "Christianity" until I was 23 years old. It wasn't until I met someone who helped me seperate "Christians" from Jesus Christ, my savior, that I came to know Him.
At Fri Sep 08, 07:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Amm, excuse me while I sit here and scratch my head in puzzlement... just exactly what extreme-right-wing-hatred have I posted here that you're referring to?
It's a shame that you choose to attack, rather than discuss and seek to find a common set of goals... especially since you have indicated that you're a brother/sister in Christ. Not very Christ-like, if you ask me.
But a sad testament as to the state of today's modern "church".
At Fri Sep 08, 11:50:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
And thus, you have "attacked" today's "modern church," whatever that may be. Which is precisely why I haven't bothered, till now, to speak up on this blog.
I don't believe I said anything about open hatred on this site... I was, actually, referring to the Conservative Gov't of Canada and its hate-mongering of certain groups, such as gays and lesbians.
Last time I checked, Jesus asked EVERYONE to come to Him, just as they are, and I don't think that creating a political stir denying them rights is going to do anything but tell them "God hates you." I know that's not what is meant, but that's how they see it. And the more our government nitpicks at incidentals, the more Christ's love gets lost in the mix.
Sin is sin, and He covered it all. You don't introduce people to Jesus by telling them they are wrong or evil... that's something they will come to on their own, with His Spirit as a guide, if they are to come to that conclusion. It's called Free Will, and we should live in a country that embraces that gift/curse.
This will be the last entry I'll make, because I know you'll continue to attack a thousand different things if I continue. If you are a brother in Christ, which I think you are, good luck in your journey. I'm sure we'll laugh about these petty differences in Heaven.
At Sat Sep 09, 04:16:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Anon. I'm not really sure where you're getting some of the things you are saying, aside from maybe various stereotypical left-wing talking points, that have more to do with rhetoric than fact.
"Last time I checked, Jesus asked EVERYONE to come to Him, just as they are, and I don't think that creating a political stir denying them rights is going to do anything but tell them "God hates you."
Jesus did come for everyone just as they are, none of us deserved the gift of salvation. But Jesus did not want us, after accepting his gift, to just remain bound to our sins. We need to turn from sin.
"I don't believe I said anything about open hatred on this site..."
"logon just to see what kind of hatred you extreme-right wingers are up"
Then why were you logging in to this site to check in on "extreme right-wing hatred" then? Why is any position that varies from the Liberal party line, extreme? Not very tolerant of you.
"I was, actually, referring to the Conservative Gov't of Canada and its hate-mongering of certain groups, such as gays and lesbians"
Well, then you should have specified that you were talking about the Conservative gov't. But let's examine that statement. I assume you are referring to the Conservative's opposition to Gay marriage. Yet 35 Liberal MP's voted against the same-sex marriage ammendment. In fact the Conservatives are not trying to deny the rights of gays and lesbians. However they do not see the need to redifine the meaning of marriage, or to extend to gays and lesbians a "right" which has never applied to them. I put right in qoutations because it is highly debatible as to how much of a right marriage is. That said, PM Harper has been very specific in his support of civil union laws to protect gay and lesbian couples.
All this said I do think the church has failed gays and lesbians. I trully believe that the church needs to take a serious look at how it can reach out to the gay community.
At Sun Sep 10, 08:03:00 p.m. EDT,
BHCh said…
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