I have been up-geeked
Okay, some of us at work were discussing the "old" Internet... Archie, Gopher, Netscape 2.0, and good old ICQ. (I remember saying I'd never switch to MSN... ha)
Anyway, I figured I was a geek... I've had the same Hotmail address for over 10 years, back when people would laugh when I told them my address. ("That's 'HOTMAIL', M-A-I-L, not M-A-L-E") And I have an ICQ number in the 5,000,000 range... until today, I'd met only one person with one lower than me, in the 4,000,000 range.
I just got majorly up-geeked today. A co-worker of mine showed me her old ICQ version still running on her laptop, and I saw her number... IN THE ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND RANGE! You heard me... 100,000!
I have been up-geeked... I bow in reverence and awe...
Anyway, I figured I was a geek... I've had the same Hotmail address for over 10 years, back when people would laugh when I told them my address. ("That's 'HOTMAIL', M-A-I-L, not M-A-L-E") And I have an ICQ number in the 5,000,000 range... until today, I'd met only one person with one lower than me, in the 4,000,000 range.
I just got majorly up-geeked today. A co-worker of mine showed me her old ICQ version still running on her laptop, and I saw her number... IN THE ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND RANGE! You heard me... 100,000!
I have been up-geeked... I bow in reverence and awe...
At Wed Sep 27, 04:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
My ICQ number is 4090xxxx (although I don't even use ICQ anymore I guess I'll x the last four digits out).
At Wed Sep 27, 05:28:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I haven't used ICQ in soooo long, I'm not even sure if I still have it installed on my Mac at home (I'm at work). I must have a pretty low number. Haven't used IRC in a long time, either.
At Wed Sep 27, 06:46:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
What is ICQ.. does it matter?
At Wed Sep 27, 07:26:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
LOL... it was the first mainstream "Instant Messenger" program, way back in the day.
Stephen, I bow in awe to you as well, Mr. Uber-Tory-Geek
At Wed Sep 27, 08:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I'm a geek. No I'm a bigger geek, no I"M a bigger geek, no IM THE BIGGEST GEEK, No! I'm the biggest biggest biggisest geek ever!
At Wed Sep 27, 09:47:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Well, since we don't have A CLUE who you are, your claim can't be verified.
You lose. ;-)
At Thu Sep 28, 11:16:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
A low number means you were "with it" enough way back then to jump on the ICQ bandwagon before anyone else had even heard of it.
It's like my Hotmail account... it's first inital, last name. No numbers, no underscores, just my name. You had to be in on the ground floor to get that! (if you have a common last name)
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