Take Action on this "National Disgrace"
To the punks who decided the National War Memorial was a good spot to take a leak...

If I had my way, you'd be locked up for a year or two, then forced to see what it was like for our veterans by being sentenced to serve in our Armed Forces for a couple of years, to teach you a little RESPECT.
In the mean time, we need to catch the morons first. Out of respect for our veterans, I think these idiots need to have their faces plastered on the front of every national newspaper, broadcast on every television newscast, and rewards posted for information leading to their arrest. It was an appaling show of disrespect, and I think the Prime Minister ought to get involved.
To that end, I have sent the following to the Prime Minister, to my current MP, my former MP (who I have spoken to before, and who has been VERY prompt to addressing my concerns) and to a Cabinet Minister who's riding is next door to mine:
h/t to SDA.
UPDATE: The PM has voiced his disgust over the incident. Let's see what actions, if any, will follow.

If I had my way, you'd be locked up for a year or two, then forced to see what it was like for our veterans by being sentenced to serve in our Armed Forces for a couple of years, to teach you a little RESPECT.
In the mean time, we need to catch the morons first. Out of respect for our veterans, I think these idiots need to have their faces plastered on the front of every national newspaper, broadcast on every television newscast, and rewards posted for information leading to their arrest. It was an appaling show of disrespect, and I think the Prime Minister ought to get involved.
To that end, I have sent the following to the Prime Minister, to my current MP, my former MP (who I have spoken to before, and who has been VERY prompt to addressing my concerns) and to a Cabinet Minister who's riding is next door to mine:
Greetings, Mr. Prime Minister.I encourage you all to do the same. Here's where you can find your MP's e-mail.
My name is "CC", and I reside in Guelph, Ontario.
I saw the report of the disgraceful incident of disrespect to our veterans that occured at the National War Memorial this Canada Day weekend, and I am writing to ask that the Prime Minister step into this matter immediately. (link to canada.com article: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=dfaae499-b7ae-4f6d-8190-b1fed9077bdb&k=55262)
From the story, I understand that several veterans have tried unsucessfully for years to obtain a guard for the National War Memorial. My request today is two-fold.
Firstly, I would ask that the Prime Minister allow the nation to see his commitment to honouring our veterans by publicly commenting on this incident. I ask that he request the RCMP to investigate, and seek to identify and charge the individuals photographed to the maximum extent of the law.
Secondly, I would ask that the Prime Minister consult with the Minister of Defence, and his staff, to consider the permament stationing of a watch at the monument. This watch would serve as a daily and permanent reminder to both the public and our veterans that we do indeed honour their sacrifice, and to guard and honour their memory.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Guelph, Ontario
Hon. Brenda Chamberlain, MP, Guelph
Hon. Michael Chong, MP, Wellington-Halton Hills
Gary Goodyear, MP, Cambridge
h/t to SDA.
UPDATE: The PM has voiced his disgust over the incident. Let's see what actions, if any, will follow.
At Mon Jul 03, 08:42:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I heard that PM Harper did sound off in a local Ottawa call-in radio show today so hopefully the powers that be will take the hint. BTW, I think an honour guard at the War memorial, which includes the tomb of the unknown soldier, would be fitting. A similar guard already exists at Parliament Hill which is almost across the street from the War memorial.
At Tue Jul 04, 01:51:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
When they do catch up with this hackey-sack player, could he not be charged with grave desecration on top of the mischief charges - the site is after the also the tomb of the Uknown Soldier, is it not?
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