About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
Blog Awards

September 7, 2008
January 7, 2007
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Previous Posts
- That's mean... BUT IT'S SO FUNNY!
- Volpe-gate gets even bigger
- Volpe-gate?
- I love Greenpeace...
- CUPE is Anti-Israel
- End of Volpe's Leadership Bid?
- Ontario - Smoke Free next week
- Ask and ye shall receive... re: Kyoto
- I can hear them screaming already...
- Ignatieff and Kyoto
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Sat Jun 03, 12:01:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I have a question for the obviously "on-fire" Christian, who has created an entire life style around his faith and seems to have many political opinions that are rather judgemental and harsh:
If preserving "Biblical truth" is so important, then what are you doing making a living in a non-biblical industry? (computers). If your moral logic is limited to Biblical truth, then you should be limited to work that is described in the Bible, much like the Amish, who I deeply admire for fully living their faith. Jesus did not have a LAPTOP. He still doesn't.
You are a newly minted corporate Christian from what I see and you need to cool off and make it real... No offense, I am just an old-school Christian who prefers to keep it to himself...
At Sat Jun 03, 12:44:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
No offence taken.
I'm in this industry because in our time and place in history, it seems to be where God has gifted me. And I use it, or try to, to serve others. I was actually "hacking" the switch (switches, actually) because we're looking to implement a sub-network for our residents... I work in a Long-Term care facility.
I also use the gifts I've been given to provide computers as communication tools for missionaries and church leaders, at no or minimal cost. ;-)
What I say to most people is "I work to pay the bills... my REAL job is to work for Christ in His church". Actually planning on going into some form of full time ministry, but the Lord hasn't clearly show us where that is yet.
Thanks for the admonishment.
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