Che's Hero
Don't all those Che t-shirts out there get on your nerves? Young lefties wearing them, thinking there being cool and all of that.
Funny, most of those kiddies support "gun control". Che also supported gun control... he liked to be the one in control of the gun, which he often discharged into the heads of his unarmed opponents.
Someone should make a Che style t-shirt with this photo, with this caption...

Funny, most of those kiddies support "gun control". Che also supported gun control... he liked to be the one in control of the gun, which he often discharged into the heads of his unarmed opponents.
Someone should make a Che style t-shirt with this photo, with this caption...

At Tue Apr 25, 09:54:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
pretty weak assessment. guevara's life was primarily a reaction to the poverty he worked in as a travelling physican.
At Tue Apr 25, 10:04:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
"guevara's life was primarily a reaction to the poverty he worked in as a travelling physican"
Some aspects were, very true, but I'm pointing out the fact that there are many elements of his life that these hero worshipers are nieve about.
jDave, regular everyday problems are what gets me going most of the time, but this one just happened to come across my desk today... so that's what's being commented on. ;-) I know what you mean about having no time... that's why I haven't blogged for days.
At Tue Apr 25, 10:11:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Plus, jDave, this actually is quite relevant to many discussions that have gone on here in the past. I've said that many young people who fall to the left of the political spectrum just don't get it... and those who revere Che don't really have a clue who he was, and what he stood for, and what he did.
Most lefty kids who think Che was a good man would be horrified if they knew the half of what he did. Don't you agree?
But, like you said, I don't want to waste too much time on such a trivial thing as a t-shirt... ;-) (total time spent = 5 minutes)
At Tue Apr 25, 10:20:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
"and those who revere Che don't really have a clue who he was, and what he stood for, and what he did."
I don't have a clue who he was, never even heard of him before. Who was he?
At Tue Apr 25, 10:23:00 a.m. EDT,
Blake Kennedy said…
I have to empathize with Andrew on the whole being called out for time wasted thing. I don't know how some people are under the impression that some blog entries take days and days to write; I know once I get my inspiration, it takes me a few minutes, that's all.
Want a good Stalin joke? It's from one of my Russian textbooks, obviously set in WWII.
A machinist girl is walking past the Kremlin after work, and sees Field Marshall Zhukov leaving a meeting with Stalin, and hears him mutter under his breath, "Murderous swine!" She immediately rushes in to inform Stalin of what she heard. Stalin thanks her, and sends her away, and calls in Zhukov.
Stalin asks Zhukov, "Who were speaking about, when you said, "murderous swine"?"
Zhukov replies, "Well, Hitler, of course, Iosef Vissarionovich."
Stalin thanks him and dismisses him, and calls the machinist girl back to him.
"And, who did you think Marshall Zhukov was referring to when he said "murderous swine"?
End joke. If you're not familiar with Stalin's tactics, it'll take a second.
At Tue Apr 25, 10:44:00 a.m. EDT,
Strong Conservative said…
I can't believe the moral relativism. You can't compare Che to Reagan or Trudeau. Che was nothing more than a murdering communist thug. He slaughtered the innocent for the advancement of the class revolution.
The classic mantra of the commies was that there was no moral authority other than the advancement of world wide socialism. Barbarity, murder, theft, and intimidation were all justified for the advancement of Marxism.
Its insults and devalues the lives of those murdered by Che, Castro, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler to compare Guevera to Reagan, Kennedy, and Trudeau.
Have some class.
At Tue Apr 25, 10:59:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
jDave, you could at least scratch "the Big JC" from your list... the Lord Jesus Christ was NEVER accused of anything that could even be remotely compared to Che or the rest... unless somehow the raising of the dead, healing the sick, or tossing the tables of greedy money traders somehow could be interpreted as negative things.
The rest of the list, I agree, could be negotiable depending on your point of view.
At Tue Apr 25, 11:09:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Hugo Chavez shirts can be found in isle 27 of your local Walmart. ;-)
At Tue Apr 25, 11:43:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Che travelled through Latin America when he was studying medicine. It was during his travels that he came face to face with the poor conditions in which many Latin Americans lived.
As a result, Che became convinced that revolution was necessary to raise the standard of living for all people. It is unfortunate that he believed the only way to bring about change was through violence, without a doubt.
However, Che's violent nature and communist world view gave the people of Latin American nations (most notably Cuba) something that they didn't have without him: hope for a better future.
And regardless of what you think of Che, to some people he will remain a hero, just as Joan of Arc does to France, just as Muhammad does to Muslims.
At Tue Apr 25, 11:45:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
I personally want a Charlemagne t-shirt; Some people consider me old school. ;)
At Tue Apr 25, 11:51:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
jDave, I can say I'm with you there 100% on that post.
As I'm sure you're aware, I'm very much an "old school" Christian. I don't agree (morally or doctrinally) with the majority of "televangelists"... Billy Graham, Ravi Zachariah, etc. are excepted.
Many of the bad ones really are in it only for the "almighty"... the "almighty dollar", that is. Benny Hinn is a prime example of this.
At Tue Apr 25, 12:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
I think you must be thinking of either a William Shatner or a Ricardo Montalban t-shirt. ;-)
(one of my FAV movies of all time)
At Tue Apr 25, 12:17:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
WOW! 18 comments in 2 hours... I think that's a new record for me! (granted, 4 of them were replies from me to other posters...)
At Tue Apr 25, 02:04:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
jDave gets comment #1200!
At Tue Apr 25, 02:41:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
duke has the whole collection
At Tue Apr 25, 06:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
" pretty weak assessment. guevara's life was primarily a reaction to the poverty he worked in as a travelling physican."
Funny thing... most handgun enthusiast's desire for guns is a reaction to the crime they encountered in their neighborhood.
I guess that means you support handgun ownership as well. Tool.
At Fri Oct 20, 03:36:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Ive seen a Che style Stepen Harper T-shirt somewhere before but I can't find it again. Does the Consevative party even realise how many of these kinds of shirts they would sell on there CBoutique clothing site?
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