Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Links are Appearing!

WHAT IS GOING ON HERE IN CANADA? CAN'T PEOPLE SEE IT? THE LIBERALS NEED NOT ONLY TO BE KICKED OUT OF POWER, THEY ALL NEED TO BE ARRESTED!!! Just 30 minutes on the computer, and all this info is out there... why aren't the media reporting it!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

And, of course, the papers and the polls are preaching gloom and doom for the party. CTV just realesed a poll from GPC Research that puts the Liberals on top again; THE GPC IS A LONGTIME CONTRIBUTER TO THE LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA!!! DUH!!! Don't listen to the biased pollsters!
And just LOOK at the connections this guy has!!!

The problem is that most Canadians don't look into things for themselves, and listen to everything the polls and the news tells them! But the media is biased too!

And how's this... another patronage appointment! A long time Liberal support, friend of the PM, and owner of a building the CBC leases, is now on the board of the CBC!

WOW! A lobbyist for GroupAction was the PM's speech writter! The PMO is now undeniably linked to the scandal!

Now on to other things... remember Paul Martin's speech? Here's a quote from Paul Martin himself - "Let me emphasize that point: if so much as a dollar is found to have made its way into the Liberal party from ill-gotten gains, it will be repaid to the people of Canada. I want no part of that money."

This week, Mr. Beliveau said that he personally got the Liberals tons of money. When will the PM give that money back? $300,000 is no small chunk of change right before an election! From the CBC - "Guité's dust had barely settled when another witness – long-time Liberal organizer, Michel Béliveau – admitted he solicited between $250,000 and $300,000 in cash from the former head of Pluri Design, Jacques Corriveau, to help the party during the 1997 election campaign. The cash, he said, was stuffed in envelopes."


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