Hey! Check out the Toronto Star! (pg. A3) And I heard it was quoted in "The Economist" in Britian, that a new nickname has stuck to the PM... "Mr. Dithers". (now, the question is, where did they in Britian get it from? LOL) Well, it appears to have stuck, so now he'll have to shake it.
I'm no prophet, but here's what I'm seeing... if this Wednesday's Federal Budget is not done just right, we may be going to the polls... and I'll have to dig out my Conservative T-shirt and start planting lawn signs... excuse me while I go raid my closet!!!
I'm no prophet, but here's what I'm seeing... if this Wednesday's Federal Budget is not done just right, we may be going to the polls... and I'll have to dig out my Conservative T-shirt and start planting lawn signs... excuse me while I go raid my closet!!!
At Mon Dec 19, 01:19:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative blog.
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