I sat down this evening with my wife to watch "Amazing Grace", a film about the abolition of the slave trade in Britian in the late 1700's. It only took about 15 minutes to get my thoughts turning.
The main character spoke of why he got into politics in Britian, and reminded me of why I got into it.
I got into it because I felt that I could make a difference... that I could assist, somehow, in doing something, anything, to improve the fortunes of my fellow citizens of this great nation.
That hasn't changed. Despite all the hoopla and garbage that's been thrown my way over these last couple of years, and the turmoil of the last few weeks, that hasn't changed. Though I have thought more than once about just walking away from it all, I don't think I can do that.
Lots more thinking to do... and I know I have to learn to pick my battles. But there's more to do, and it's time to get down to the business of doing it.
The main character spoke of why he got into politics in Britian, and reminded me of why I got into it.
I got into it because I felt that I could make a difference... that I could assist, somehow, in doing something, anything, to improve the fortunes of my fellow citizens of this great nation.
That hasn't changed. Despite all the hoopla and garbage that's been thrown my way over these last couple of years, and the turmoil of the last few weeks, that hasn't changed. Though I have thought more than once about just walking away from it all, I don't think I can do that.
Lots more thinking to do... and I know I have to learn to pick my battles. But there's more to do, and it's time to get down to the business of doing it.
At Sat Dec 01, 06:30:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Cuthill said…
Good to hear. I'd be interested to hear about the battles you are picking? What's your biggest motivating issue?
Taxes? Poverty?
At Sat Dec 01, 06:48:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
There's a few things in the works. One issue is poverty, but not in a conventional way so I'm not broadcasting it yet. Taxes, not so much, other than encouraging things like a single return for families, or income splitting that will help families across the board... thus also helping with the poverty load.
Plus other things in the background that I can't talk about. (you'll have to wait for the memiors in 20 years or so) ;-)
At Sun Dec 02, 04:29:00 p.m. EST,
Shawn Cuthill said…
Sorry, what was your biggest motivating issue? I would assume it is something that would be easy for you to talk about.
I'm only asking because you referenced slavery, which was a noble cause for a Christian to get into politics about. If you have something as noble as that then go for it, but if not I'd suggested walking away from it now before it engulfs all your time. Unless you define something really big and noble and go for it, at the end of your life I can't see Jesus saying "Well done" for being on a lot of parliamentary committees or for a good blog post about how Dion sucks.
So what's the motivation?
At Sun Dec 02, 04:55:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
"I can't see Jesus saying "Well done" for being on a lot of parliamentary committees or for a good blog post about how Dion sucks."
;-) Well said, and point well taken.
It's hard do define. I guess you could say I'm still trying to figure out how exactly my abilities fit into the overall plan, but this I know... I understand computers, and that's where He's opened the doors vocationally for me.
In addition to that, I seem to be somewhat adept in the political field, where I can hopefully do some good for my fellow man. How should I make use of that? Should I ignore it and just walk away from it all? Would that be dishonouring to the Lord? I don't know... of course, if it in any way hinders my service to Him, then absolutely, it's time to walk away.
I really don't know right now. I've been spending a lot of time rethinking things on the whole, and haven't come to any firm conclusions yet.
Do you have any further thoughts that might help?
At Sun Dec 02, 05:04:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
And don't worry dude... it's only a hobby for me, and doesn't take up as much time as you might think.
Interestingly enough, I've had some really interesting opportunites to witness to people recently too... I've been convicted that if we just ignore the political spectrum altogether, things will go downhill a whole lot quicker.
Mind you, that's not entirely bad for you and I, but I don't know if that would be a good witness either... we're supposed to be "salt & light" to the lost, and this is one area that's been surprisingly ignored... at least by true believers in my town.
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