About Me
- Name: Christian Conservative
- Location: Ontario, Canada
I'm a Born-Again Christian, redeemed by the shed blood of the risen and eternal Lord Jesus Christ. My wife and I are both active in our local church, where our life's focus is on giving all Glory to Jesus Christ, on missions, the preservation of Biblical truth, and the strengthening believers everywhere.
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January 7, 2007
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- CTV's Lisa LaFlamme almost trampled in Guelph!
- CTV's Lisa LaFlemme almost trampled in Guelph!
- Paul Martin's Flip-Flop on the Charter
- Big Name Toronto Liberals Voting Tory!!!
- Canada wants Accountability? HERE YOU GO THEN!
- JOKE: New e-mail from the Liberal mole!
- Was it an overcaffinated webmaster?
- Martin WON'T Protect Religious Freedoms!
The Waterloo Wellington Bloggers Association
At Fri Jan 13, 12:24:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The latest poll, SES on CPAC shows the liberals are at 15% in Quebec,
19 for the Conservatives. So what
did Gilles Duceppe do yesterday and
today, he hammered away at Stephen
Harper. I also didn't help matters
that Dumont guy said Quebecers should vote for the Conservatives.
I only heard of this Dumont guy was just tonite.
At Fri Jan 13, 12:43:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Stephen Harper eats apples.
In Canada.
In Calgary.
In Toronto.
Even on a plane.
Do you know who else eats apples?
Paul Bernardo.
Does Stephen Harper go for lunch with Paul Bernardo every week?
Does he?
Paul Bernardo won't say.
Stephen Harper won't either.
You say that Paul Bernardo is in prison and couldn't possibly meet Stephen Harper every week for lunch?
Oh. We hadn't thought of that.
Hold on a moment.
Do you know who else eats apples?
Karla Homolka.
Since Karla Homolka is out on parole, she definitely could meet Stephen Harper every week for lunch.
You say this reminds you how the Liberal Party is soft on crime?
Hold on a moment.
Do you know who else eats apples?
Lord Voldemort.
You say he is a fictional character?
Oh screw it.
We made all of this up.
At Fri Jan 13, 12:25:00 p.m. EST,
Christian Conservative said…
Oops, thanks, I meant to credit him for it. ;-)
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