As our "HST Rebate Cheques" (aka - buying your vote with your own money) will be arriving any day now, it's time to send a clear message to the McGuinty government... when you get your cheque, By sending all or even a portion of your rebate cheque back to Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC's, you can almost DOUBLE the value of Liberals HST bribe, AND make a contribution to the Liberal's defeat in 2011. For every $100 you send Back to Hudak, you get a $75 tax credit... bringing the total value of the initial $100 to $175, $100 to the Ontario PC's, and $75 back to you when you file your taxes next year.
Where else can you get a return like that on your investment? You can grow that money, AND make an investment in Ontario's future by helping to ensure the Liberals are defeated in 2011! While it's true you'll be out a grand total of $25, isn't $25 a worthwhile investment toward getting rid of the Liberals next year?
And don't forget, if enough of us do this, what a message it will send to the Liberals when Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC's report a MASSIVE spike in donations next quarter?
So, when you get your first cheque, there's only one thing you need to remember... SEND IT BACK TO HUDAK!!!
From the Ontario PC website:
Where else can you get a return like that on your investment? You can grow that money, AND make an investment in Ontario's future by helping to ensure the Liberals are defeated in 2011! While it's true you'll be out a grand total of $25, isn't $25 a worthwhile investment toward getting rid of the Liberals next year?
And don't forget, if enough of us do this, what a message it will send to the Liberals when Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC's report a MASSIVE spike in donations next quarter?
So, when you get your first cheque, there's only one thing you need to remember... SEND IT BACK TO HUDAK!!!
From the Ontario PC website:
Personal Tax Credit Information
Personal tax credit calculation: 75% of the first $372 plus 50% of the amount between $372 and $1240 plus 331/3% of the amount between $1240 and $2821.The maximum personal tax credit is $1240.
See following examples:
Corporate/Trade Union Tax Information
Corporations making political contributions can deduct up to a maximum of $16,800 from the Ontario portion of their taxable income in any fiscal period.
Note: The portion of donations over the central party limit will be distributed by the party to riding associations and/or registered candidates.
*Donations to special events are receipted less expenses.
Labels: election, Queen's Park
At Thu Jun 10, 10:45:00 a.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
So Hudak will get rid of the HST if he's elected?
At Thu Jun 10, 11:18:00 a.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
Nope, that would only incur GREATER costs trying to undo it. Likely reduce it by a couple of points, and fix some of the implementation issues that the McGuinty government has created.
At Thu Jun 10, 01:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Till Hudak develops any sort of policy the Ontario PC's won't get a penny out of me.
If Hudak wants to come out publicly and state that he will reduce the PST position of the HST on July 1st 2012 when its allowed under the current Provincial/Federal agreement if he is elected October 2011 then by all means.
But this utter and total waste of time since he was made leader of the party attempting to scrap the HST when he didn't have the seats or the power was a waste of time and money, and nothing more then political glad handing over an issue that he can't do anything about.
I voted for Hudak expecting more Mike Harris and less John Tory during the Leadership Race and what I have got is a whole lotta Frank Miller.
Till the Provincial PC's get their act together I would sooner by myself a big screen TV then donate to a party with no direction or focus.
At Thu Jun 10, 02:05:00 p.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
Were you similarly against Mike Harris sending out 200 dollar cheques to everyone? At least the McGuinty cheques are targeted: they are specifically designed to compensate people for initial costs of the changes--changes that are supposed to cost us all less in the long run. And the rebate are based on need. Those making the least will benefit more. (Which is, in my opinion, the way it should be).
At Thu Jun 10, 02:22:00 p.m. EDT,
Anon1152 said…
"For every $100 you send Back to Hudak, you get a $75 tax credit... bringing the total value of the initial $100 to $175, $100 to the Ontario PC's, and $75 back to you when you file your taxes next year"
I'm disappointed in you. Your vision is limited. Narrow. Short term.
For every $100 you give Hudak, you get a $75 tax credit. OK. Stretch it out over the long term, then. Next year, donate that $75 to the Ontario PC party. You'll get a $56.25 rebate. Next year, donate that to the Ontario PC party and receive $42.18. And so on.
In 10 years, the $100 donation will become a $377 donation.
Year 1: $100.00
Year 2: $75.00
Year 3: $56.25
Year 4: $42.19
Year 5: $31.64
Year 6: $23.73
Year 7: $17.80
Year 8: $13.35
Year 9: $10.01
Year 10: $7.51
TOTAL: $377.47
In 20 years, it will add up to nearly $400.
So: What do you think of my "lefty" math?
At Thu Jun 10, 02:27:00 p.m. EDT,
Christian Conservative said…
LOL... touche 1152.
At Sun Jun 13, 01:10:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler and cheaper (for "us", not government) to just reduce corporate and personal taxes and have our overseers cut their spending on crap that they need to keep their jobs (with pensions) and we don't?
At Sun Jun 13, 01:11:00 p.m. EDT,
Anonymous said…
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler and cheaper (for "us", not government) to just reduce corporate and personal taxes and have our overseers cut their spending on crap that they need to keep their jobs (with pensions) and we don't?
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