WOAH... Today's Angus Reid Poll
Man, and I thought the Decima poll looked bad for the Liberals... the Angus Reid poll puts the Liberals THREE POINTS LOWER, AND THE TORIES FOUR POINTS HIGHER THAN THE DECIMA POLL!!!
Conservatives: 40% (That's MAJORITY TERRITORY folks)
Liberals: 26% (that's LOSING A LOT OF SEATS TERRITORY folks)
NDP: 14% (likely down seats)
Bloc: 10% (likely down seats)
Greens: 8% (possibly winning a seat)
(this poll puts the Libs and Tories in a tie at 22% in Quebec)
Conservatives: 40% (That's MAJORITY TERRITORY folks)
Liberals: 26% (that's LOSING A LOT OF SEATS TERRITORY folks)
NDP: 14% (likely down seats)
Bloc: 10% (likely down seats)
Greens: 8% (possibly winning a seat)
(this poll puts the Libs and Tories in a tie at 22% in Quebec)
At Thu Mar 01, 10:53:00 p.m. EST,
Brian in Calgary said…
I passed the good news to Calgary Grit, including a link to the PDF tables. I knew he'd just want to know.
At Fri Mar 02, 07:43:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
The only poll that matters is the one conducted on election day. We always say that polls dn't matter, till they are in our favour, then they're the most acurate things in the word.
“Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.” ~Aaron Levenstein
I'd say about the same applies to polls.
At Fri Mar 02, 08:43:00 a.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
While I have to admit that i am a little bit giddy at these polls, I do also feel a bit of dread as well.
Dread because, while the MSM have started to print some bad Dion stories, are still onside with the Liberals and are still feeling the pain of their war with Harper.
Looks for the guns,knives, mallets, saws and every other torture device to come out of the closet by the Libs and the MSM as they fight back.
The Libs haven't governed this country for as long as they have by playing nice.
At Sat Mar 03, 05:18:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
ag...I know what you mean...more huffing and puffing from Goodale, and drama from Iggy...yuck!
Let's look at the polls for what they are...'approval' from Canadians. That means more than an election at this time...it means Canadians are satisfied.
PMSH is doing the best he can in spite of the roadblocks that a minority poses.
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