Even the CBC has to to admit it
You know that when THIS is the lead story on CBC.ca, it's undeniable... because they'd rather lead off with ANYTHING but this!
It's such a monumental moment, that I had to take a screen cap...

UPDATE: I really like how CTV puts it... "the Conservatives appear to have opened up a big lead over the slumping Liberals" BOO-YA!
UPDATE II: Warren put it best, I think..."Anyone willing to dispute the contention that so-called attack ads work? Anyone?"
h/t to Uncommon Truths
It's such a monumental moment, that I had to take a screen cap...
Tories widening lead over Liberals: pollNa na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey... GOODBYE!
Last Updated: Thursday, March 1, 2007 | 3:06 PM ET
CBC News
A new poll suggests Stephen Harper's Conservatives are surging ahead of the Liberals, even in the crucial province of Ontario, where Liberals have long held an advantage.
In Ontario, the Tories also surged to 40 per cent support this week, compared with 32 per cent for the Liberals, 15 per cent for the NDP and 13 per cent for the Green Party.
The numbers suggest the prime minister and his party are succeeding in convincing women, urban and Ontario voters that the Tories are a moderate rather than hard-right government, Decima CEO Bruce Anderson said.
UPDATE: I really like how CTV puts it... "the Conservatives appear to have opened up a big lead over the slumping Liberals" BOO-YA!
UPDATE II: Warren put it best, I think..."Anyone willing to dispute the contention that so-called attack ads work? Anyone?"
h/t to Uncommon Truths
At Thu Mar 01, 06:45:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Who cares? Conservatives are pushing all the same policies that the Liberals will. Both parties are completely contolled by the NWO. Maritn's and Fox's Union of the Americas will go through. Only a moron would deny it as the elites (Communists) move us towards Global government. If the Conservatives don't do what they are told by the Globalists they will lose.
Liberals are planning on losing next election. That is why nobody big ran. Conservatives exist only to push through unpopular policy (such as the GST) that the Liberals don't want associated with their brand.
Get a clue, any real follower of Christ would get it right out of the starting gate. But you have ears and eyes but don't see or hear. Ask yourself if you really are a Christian as you sit in your armchair cheering on the slaughter and poison being spread on the world.
"...For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple." -Romans 16:18
At Thu Mar 01, 06:55:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Yikes! That was some first comment - not sure what it has to do with anything but it was certainly different.
At Thu Mar 01, 06:59:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
"Ask yourself if you really are a Christian as you sit in your armchair cheering on the slaughter and poison being spread on the world."
Didn't this person use the word "moron"? Not that that is spreading poison or anything....:-)....tsk, tsk...how christian.
At Thu Mar 01, 07:48:00 p.m. EST,
Anonymous said…
Hey Anonymous.
Isn't there a meeting or something you're supposed to be at??
Better to leave one's mouth shut than to open it and remove any doubt!!
At Thu Mar 01, 09:46:00 p.m. EST,
hunter said…
Angus Reid poll I heard on CPAC is even worse for the Liberals (26%) Conservatives (40%).
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